Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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m ■ t> iu- n ia Biratnagar, Nov. 10 ' . -

New Delhi. Nov. 10 ^ ^ ^.'.^ ^ Kalimpopg. Nov. 11

1q accordance with the Nepal Sri Matrika Prasad The S. U. Institution,:

present schedule of sailings Koirala together with the Kalimpong observed the

to various foreign coun-. Barahakim of Biratnagar Third U.N.O. Day on the

trns, the public are re- and the local Government 10th inst. under the

quested to post their officials vwited the flood Chaiimanship of Rev.

X'mas mails for foreign and drought affected areas W. M. Scott The elitts

countries by the following jn tnj9 part to get first of the town, Sri N. B.

dates so M to reach their hand information about Gurung, M.L A. members

destination by surface the condition of the peo- of the School Managing

id time:- pie affected by the natu- Committee, Dr. P C,Ghosh

United Kingdom — No- ral calamities. The Prime and Sri B. K.^InqJr&.wfre

yember 19 1954 Minister also had talks present to witness' the

„ m . a*' j with the local people. function which bf&an' at

■ Europe, West Africa and r r , _■ ... ,,,.,.„

w'jji r ^ • H i' • i j . 1 p. m. with the hoisting

Mediterranean °°™t»e<»- Sr. Ko.ra a said to press- <)frj m q. Flag by the

November 1954. men that the flood was a Princi , Ther<f 'were

■Egypt, Arabia & Suez- problem which concerned hfp(J on ft N 0 DhV

November 28; id54 the whole of Nepal. from the Staff and visitors

Australia & New Zea- Asked about the relief. One of the speakers among

land—November 17, 1954. works undertaken by the the visitors wan Dr. P. C.

Far East Strats Settle- Government Sri Koirala Ghosh who spoke on the

ment, Hongkong and Ma- 8a>d that d stribution and significance of the Day

laya_November 24 19u4. relief works were going and how world peace can

p n if iV k on m tne affected areas. be maintained. The pro-

4 J954 Uult~UecemDer Besides, the Barahakims gramme consisted of Folk

' " have been specially ins- Dances, Folk Songs, Music

U. S. A. & Canada—No- tructcd to render every and Comical turn*. The

vember 16, *j54. possible help to the suffer- function came to a close

The latest date for pos- ing humanity. with the National

ting of Christmas Airmails ., , ; Anthem,

for • the U. K., V. S, A., A^ont Mo™« h"i■

East and South Africa that a 6U™ ^f rls U OOO —— 7~~.

Australia, countr.es in the was sanct.onen tor th>s c.ded to spend K^qo.oco

Near and Far East New district in the beginning. for constructu.n of bandhs

Zealand, Fiji and Yther Government were consider- which will be useful for

countries in Africa, Europe ,n8 to *J*u*$3r 15 010'000 agr.cultural purposes also,

and America is December °vfefr thfe rebf>i work ,n Sri Koirala addressed a

11,1954. Mails posted by (1,t,erent area8- public meeting h?re and

this date are expected to» Answering another ques: met important Govern-

be. delivered in time - at tion the Prime Minister ment and; non-Govern-

the destination. said that it has been de- ment'personalities. "

Printed k Published by B. 0. Jaih for Himalayan Industrial «r Trading
Corporation Ltd, at the Himalayan Printing Works, Kalimpong.