Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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Twdve stmtfW« ^im«. Registered No. C3022

IND AN AID TO NEPAL was moved by Mr. Vijay conditions in various sphe-

Kathmandu Nov 26 Bahadur Malla (Rashtriva res including currency,

T ' .• , ~ . Praja Part v) who said that police, forests and general

Indian aid to i\epal after rfemocracv was us. administration but the

figured prominently during here(] into N )a, her ties Government has so far

the opening day >. debate with India had become been imMd lo ;ye a

m the Nepal Advisory st r> idea as to how far the

Assembly on the Royal • Another RPP mem- reports had been imple-

address lbying down poll- anomer rv.i .r mem i r *u i j

cies oroeramme of the ber Mr. Kashir J. Upa- mented. In fact they had

Government . dhyaya who moved ten 'not even been published.

Of the 16 amend- amendments to the mo- Two of the amend-
ments »o the motion of tlon ot thauks severely ments moved bv him ref. r
thanks on the addre s criticised the Government to [I1(]ia8 offer* of a Jios-
three relate to India's aid particularly in regard to pita) ahd Uf. 50 lakh aid
to Nepal. They express ^8 ' inability to utilise for mjnor irrigation sche-
dissatisfaction at th9 ab- properly the Indian aid. ,ue,, anj express repr. t
seuce of any reference in ... He said four Indian that the Government had
the address as to how experts had submitted re- given no indicat;on about
the/ aid is being utilised. ports containing recom-. how far this aid was bei- g

The motion of thanks mendatious on improving utilised.

.. i

DID YOU KNOW . .' . By Scio

For generations, the ladies A conseionce-strieken Soviet Despite a ferocious dispDsitinn

• of the Netherlands buvo been M. V. ]). (secret police) agent the crocodile permits a tiny

famous for' their spotless and i wo East German accom- biid lo enter his mouth and

housekeeping: In mm y villa- pliees, on a missi.n, to murder feed on food particles lodged . ■•

gp,s and town'f, .they scour an »nti-(.'onnuunist Russian in his teeth. • r,

the sidewalks in fiont of their in Frankfort, Germany, gave

homes every week with soap themselves up, sought and

ami .water, as well as giving received U.S. political asylum,
the outside, of their homes a

good scrubbing too !, »

Printed k Published by 8. C. Jaik for Himalayan Industrial <fc Trading
. Corporation Ltd, at the Himalayan Printing Works, Kalimponp.