Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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• (From A Correspondent) Kalimpong, Deo. 3

The Social Education

Kalimpong, Dscembrr 3. Day was solemnly obser-
ved with a heavy progra-

The Maha Vishnu Brahmins have been im- mme by the Govt. Basic

Yagna is in full swing at ported from other places Training School, Kalim-

Bagdhara, Kalimpong. to conduct the Yagna and pong on the 1st fnst.

Sponsored by Sri Dudha- a committee of local peo- In tne morning a

dhariji -Barffeni, said to ' pie has been formed to general prayer was held,

be of Kashmere,the Yagna look into the finances and national flag was hoisted

has the support of general organisational by Swami G:tngesananda

the entire Hindu Commu- work. of local Ramkrishna Ahram

nity of the locality and I(. .g gaid ^ due and community cleaning

all action of the people tQ difference8 of was done by the trainees

including Nrpaleee. Lep- inion amcngst the en- Bnd staff At noon

chas, Bhutias Tibetans, thunasts quite a few of a mass illiteracy campaign

Chinese and Christians are ^ ]oca] ^ M fi g , was made with the help

seen v.sitmg the Yagna havebeen kept out ot of various charts and pic-

Mand*p in great numbers ^ y alth h th tures drawn by the trai

The ladies are the most wQu|d gftye bpen * * Dees In the evening a

enthusiasts of all and quite agget fcQ the Mahft y| ■ social function was arran-

a number of them are The idi pandit, Sri ged Jhhhr begaD *ith,

seen sitting round the Barf4i jj ]|aharaj) it ia worship of a local God

,'Hawan Kunda along with 8aid 8hould ^ 8een and in which the children

the learned pundits and tha(; qo diff< rence8 of the Experimental School,

actually taking .part in . % Yagna which is cal- tramees and adults per-

the Yagna. According to *Q ^ aboufc formed folk songs and

oPOr,?nnn?? J ' i f Universal Peace and For- folk dances.

lis. 12.000/- has already eBa If the differenceB--■-

been spent and an equal *on|i jt ig afraid the ple feel that. thif) .Man.

amount is like v to be ■ , r. ' , \. , ... ,

2" j ■■ lL " if whole purpose of the dap' will now be a per-

spent during the next tew v S tj \* a c * a i * » r *u

Y c a j f Yagna would be defeated manent feature of the

days ot the duration ot ? . , ., lL , , .

TV-7 y and the money spent aver town while others doubt

the agna. . the affair will be a waste. whether the authorities

The Yagna is calcu- A Yagna creating would allow it to continue.

"lated in geueral to bring disunity anions? local peo- Yet there are others who

about Universal Peace and p]e a^ ine very inception are already contemplating

in particular give purin- can not have the force to to aPPty to the Govern-

cat'ion to . the locality. bring about Universal ment for the settlement

While quite a large num- Peace. v of the land fcr private

ber of local people are Yagna is being purposes. It remains to

taking part, in the. Yagna held ona pieceof Govt, land be seen what attitude the

for the benefit of the where a big Mandap has authorities take in the

entire community, several been erected. Many neo- matter.

Printed k Published by 6. C. Jain for Himalayan Industrial & Trading

' Corporation Ltd, at the Himalayan Printing Works, Kalimpong. »