Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Two -*g #i ,' Himalayan Times March 25, 1962

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Kathmandu, March 22

Objections Raised by National Congress l ho fir,t group of

Gangtok, March 22 eight Chinese experts have.

' arrived here lor survey

At a wellattended was ultra vires for the T ^r^rt w"

Working Conimi.te.meet- Govt, of Sikkim to de- ""Joi «■

ing ot the All-Sikkim prive any Sikkimese kub- Deoted here soon Preli-

Nutional Congress, held ject bv birth and descent n u

,t Cangtok on Sunday Jf hi. National statu.. Tw7 ^,^1 8'"

bv..: w i;-™.. Qv,„„m» before the monsoon.
Shr. Kalipmuni Sharma Objection .a. also The proposed road

presiding certain impor- tftkeu b the Workj be £ bj b.

tant and far-reaching Re- C(imraittee of the A„. Nepal with

solution .were passed It Sikkiin Nation.! Congress Tibet and will be built

*as stated, inuraha. that to the entrusting of the with Chines, aid. Asa

o il l j Ji\u , filling-VP of f<"m», seven ig yet to be done,

8lkkim had promised that • "tfLu.,- fnr aitHm ° '*-Y J u ';

iu. ._„t:__-r Bib " numl)er> Ior SiKKim how much the road wiII

the administration of b k- 8ubj„cthood to village 00st is not yet known
kirn would be gradually who are ^ offioia) J

democrau.ed • un*. competent to deal with a at R, 4 orores. according

with the present era It jf)b „ tecbllioa, and vaBt , , d .,! *

*as, therefore, resolved 'a( u 00ntainfd ,„ tbeie----

that any. future elections Mhna% ftnd 8ear. WANTI513

in Sikkim could only bs . • „ r_____ „. , . ,. ,

held on .he basis of a ''h,ng f°rm'- Wanted "^mediately;

writterr'Conatit.Sion, and, It^auld appear, there. 1. One Manager with -at-

aocordmg to Joint Eleo- forp' that the holding of 2 year*b experience,

torate with parity basis eleotions in Sikkim in for running a Restauraiit-

the absence of any poll- cuin-Hotei with bar in

Examples were given ' tical reforms (i.e. a wnttt n 1'huutsnling. Bhutan, 12

of forms contained in the Constitution,oodifjed laws, mil's from Hasimara Rly

controversial Sikkim Sub. High Court with a Char- Station in Dooars

jeots Regulation Act, such ter, .to. etc )-and in the 2. One cook with at

sa "territory of Sikkim,'1 confusion engendered by least 3 to 6 year's expe-

"any other oountry,1' the Sikkim Subjects Re". rienoe in a restaurant hotel

"foreign couiiiry," etb. etc. gulation Act.and its seven and having a good know

for which clarification had different forms, is unae- ledge of (i) Indian (ii) Eng-

been requested from the orptable to all the major lish & (iii) Chinese dishes.

Government of Sikkim, democratic and politically Apply within 27th March

and whioh olarifioation progressive parties in 1662, stating age, exps-

wai uot forthcoming As Sikkim, rience and minimum salary

suoh, the position in Sik-__■■■ acceptable. Lodging and

kim with reference to the boarding free in both cases.
Sikkim Siibj-cts Regua- while in kalimpong DRAGON HOTEL

tion Act is oonfused and stay at Phuntsoling, Bhutan,

ambiguous A further _ . ... _ _ . _ via P. O. Dal-ingpara

!<l-.s ilution iveire I that it LnniNUKnj (Oooars)