Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

April 8, 1962


Tenders in sealed co-
vers superscribed IPECAC
are invited by the Mana-
ger, Government Cinchona
Plantation, Mungpoo P.O.,
Diat. Darjeeling on behalf
of the Governor of West
Bengal for constructing
Ipecac nursery 'kamras'
(sheds) in IK linen, Mung-
poo division, 40 lines and
Bhalutar of Labdah divi-
sion and in Maligodown
area of Govt. Cinohona
Plantation, Mungpoo on
piece rate . basis. Rate*
should be quoted for
construction of each kamra,
as per details shown here-
under and should include
oarriage of materials from
oentral stock to the spot
where nursery is to be
built, cutting of materials
into required lengths,
■tripping of 'ohoya' from
out pieces of bamboos
supplied eto.

The ceilings of the
rates to be quoted are
indicated below Rates
bigher than the oeiling
rates will not be consi-

Construction of nur-
sery kamra each 9'x4'
complete, with the excep-
tion of thatching placing
alkatbene and fixing with

Ceiling rate Rs. 0 25
nP. (twenty five naye
paise) per kamra.

Nursery kamras of

0'x4' each, as per sample
constructed at 18 lines
near motor road, 40 lines
at Labdah and at Mali
godown area to be built
as per details stated here-
under. ■:.

The front posts each
6' in length are to be
fixed in such a way that
H' distance goes inside
the ground and 3!' re
mains from surface soil
of the bed. The back
posts each 3' in length
are to be fixed in a simi-
lar way so that 1' of the
length goes inside the
ground and 2' remains
from surface soil of the
bed. 1 be posts should
be remmed in the ground
and plaoed in a straight
vertical position. I wo
rows of Beams ( bolos )
are to be plaoed horizon-
tally, one row running
along front and the other
along back posts. Neces-
sary grooves ('chokh') are
to be made properly on
top of each post and
'boles' fixed in position
with ohoya tying. Rafters
('dara') 6'-6" each will
bave to be placed across
two horizontal 'boles' one
foot apart and tied in
position on both the bolos'
by means of oho' a'.
'Bhata' (splitted bambtos)
are to be plaoed across
'daras' and tied in posi-
tion with 'uhoya' on raf-
ters 6" apart. The posts
are to be properly packed
and all the tying should

be strongly made so that
no damage may be made
during ordinary storms.

Materials will be pro-
vided centrally on the
spot and tbey will have
to be oat into required
lengths by contractors and
also carried to plaoes of
construction by contractor.
Collection of materials
from oentral stock, cons-
truction of nurseries are
be made as per direotion
of the Divisional Officer
or any man deputed by
him on bis behalf.

For Mungpoo division
(18 lines) 3,1)00 kamras

For Labdah division
(40 lines and Bhalutar)
750 kamras approximately.

For Rungbee division
(Maligodown area) 2,000
kamras approximately.

The work is to com-
mence from 15th of April,
11)62 and should be com-
pleted within 31st May,
1U62. The construction
work is to be carried oat
throughout the day during
plantation working hours
and in case sufficient la-
bourers are obtained per.
mission may be given to
work on Sunday also.

The plantation autho-
rities will have the option
of discontinuing the works
at any time.

No implement will be
provided by the planta-
tion authorities.

( Continued on page 7 )