Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

June 3, 1963


New Delhi,

India has warned
China that the rosponsi-
bility for any breach of
the peaoe resulting from
China's unabated aggres-
sive action would rest
solely with the Govern-
ment of China.

This renewed affirma-
tion of India's position
on the border issue has
been made in a Note
handed over to the Chi-
nese Kmbassy in Delhi
on May 21.

The Note told China
that if the Government
of China was at all inte-
rested in maintaining the
status quo and peaoe on
the border, it would be
well advised to restrain
its forces and desist from
oonstantly pushing for-
ward and setting up new
.military posts on Indian

The copy of the Inr
dian Note of May 11 to
which it was a reply
was placed on ■ the table
of .the Lok Sabha today
by Mrs. Lakshmi Menon,
Minister of State for Ex
ternal Affairs, in reply
to a question by Mr.
Rameihwar Tanti and Mr.
P. 0. Borooah. They had
asked . for particulars of
the Note of May 11 which
had been briefly reported
in the Press.


May 29.

Mrs. Lakshmi Menon
described as totally un-
justified and baseless the
Chinese allegation that
Indian troops had intru-
ded into Chinese territory,
set up a new post at
Kohitung and fired at a
Chines* post.

India maintained that
Indian troops did, not
enter the area on May 2
and 6 as alleged in the
Chinese Note. Nor have
Indian troops established
any fresh post.

On the oentrary, Chi.
nese troops moved down
south from their-post at
Spanggur and established
a new post at 78 degrees
52.30 east 33 degrees 30
north approximately eight
to 10 miles south-east of
hpanggur on Indian terri-
tory This has been for
tuitouslv admitted in the
Chinese riote of May 11,
the Indian Note added.

•Furthermore," the
Indian Note said, "as the
Government of China is
aware, Chinese troops are
digging in at this new
post and are constructing
fortifications. As to the
allegation that intruding
Indian troops resorted to
firing on Chinese troops
on May 5, this again is

. The Indian' Note said

that in the face of the
aggressive aotivities being
systematically pursued by
Chinese foroes on Indian
territory, it was incong-
ruous for the Government
of China to bring up
oharges against India of
"aggrarating tension" and
"creating incidents of

"There oan be no
doubt in any quarter,"
the Note said, "that the
Government of China is
resorting to these allega-
tions as it bad done in
the past in order to oover
up its fresh sett of aggres-
sion on Indian territory.''

' If the Government
of China is at all inte-
rested in maintaining the
status quo and the peaoe
on the border, it would
be well advised to restrain
its foroes and desist from
oonstantly pushing for-
ward and setting up new
military posts on Indian
territory. If any breach
of the peaoe results from
the unabated pursuit of
aggressive ends by China,
the responsibility rests
solely with the Govern-
ment of the People's
Republic of China."

( Coutinued from page 7 )

so far organised this
course in the States of
Maharashtra, Madbya Pra-
desh, It jasthan, Uttar
Pradesh, Jammu and
Kashmir, Punjab and