Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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June 3, 1962

Himalayan Times



"Tenzlng Day" at H M. I.

( From Our Correspondent )
Darjeeling, May 30

An important link
.villi remote areas in the
ixtreme borders of West
BeDgal, near Sikkim, Bhu-
tan. Nepal and Tibet will
De established when the
new 2,Kw Short Ware
Transmitter Station of
AIR Kurseong goes on
the air from June 2.

The station will be
formally inaugurated by
the Governor of West
Bengal, Miss Padmaja
Naidu at a function pre-
lided over by Dr. B.
Qopala Reddi, Union Mi
nibtnr (or Information and
Broadcasting. 1 he multi-
lingual programme will
include programmes in
Tibetan, Nepali, Sikkimese,
Bhutanese. These have
been so arranged as to
incorporate the culture
and heritage nf people
residing in these hill areas.

National programmes
of music will be relayed
from Delhi while special
emphasis will be given to
Radio Rural Forum pro-
grammes which will provide
two way exchange of ideas
and information between
village folk and AIR.
Special programmes for
Plantation Labour will be

broadcast once a week in
Nepali and once in Hindi.
News bulletins in Tibetan,
Nepali, Bengali, Hindi
and English will be broad-
cast everyday. The Tibe-
tan service broadcast from
Delhi will also be relayed.

The high power 20
Kw Medium Wave Trans-
mitter at Siliguri is also
expected to funotion
shortly and will relay
important broadcasts from
AIR Kurseong, providing
listening facilities to those
having cheap radio sets.

The project with an
outlay of about Rs 4
lacs has been oompleted
by AIR engineers.

The transmitter will
operate on Short Wave
bands from ,7-30 b m. to
4 45 pm on 4H.18 metres
(6100 ko/s) and from 6
pm to 11-30 pm. mid-
night on 89.43 metres
(3356 kc/s.)

• « *':
At a function at the
Himalayan Mountaineer-
ing Institute on May 320
to commemorate Tenzing
Day (Tenzing Norgay and
Hillary asoended Mount
Everest on May 29 1953)

when the Graduation Cere-
mony of the Second Ba-
sic and 1st Advance cour-
ses corresponding with
Institute's 31st. Basio and
11th. Advance Courses
was also held the Stats
Governor presented insig-
nias to the successful
women candidates and
congratulated tbem on
their oent percent success.
She praised the courage,
endurance and determina-
tion of the trainees to
fulfil the ideals of the
Institute which aimed at
not creating any records
of ascending heights and
peaks but creating a re-
cord of human ccurage
and endurance among the
maximum number of peo-
ple. Sir Gey Powles, siew
Zealand High Commissioner
in India presented some
token gifts to. the Institute.

Calcutta, June 1

For, it is stated, in-
dulging in anti-State acti-
vities, another Chinese was.
deporttd from . West Ben-
gal on Monday. Informa-
tion received in Calcutta
stated that he bad been
sent across the West Ben-
gal border into Sikkim
ior deportation to Tibet.

About 12 Chinese have
been forcibly deported so
far. while about 50 are
»aid to have left on receipt
of notices from the Union