Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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July 15, 1963

Himalayan Times




Applications are invi-
ted for a post of Deputy
Direotor of Medical Ser-
vices and few posts of
Assistant Surgeon* and
Compounder! for the Di-
rectorate of Medical Ser-
vices under Development
Wing Government of Bhu-

(1) Deputy Direotor
of Medical Servioee—Pay
in soale Rs. 700-30-1000.
Bhutan Allowance 16%.
Non-praotiling Allowance
Re: 200/- per mensem.
Free austere type aooom-

Candidates should be
graduates with a minimum
of 10 years' experience.
For candidates with ex-
ceptionally high qualifica-
tions and long experience,
higher initial salary in
the above scale may be
coneidered. Candidates
should be capable of or-
ganisational and adminis
trative duties.

(2) Assistant Surgeons
—Pay in soale Rs. 300
25 500 KB 30 680-EB 35-
720 40 800. Bhutan Allow-
ance Rs. 160/- per men-
sem on salaries up to Rs.
600/. and 26% on sala-
ries above Rs 600/-: Non-
praotising allowance Rs.
150/- per mensem. Free
Austere type accommoda-

Candidates should be

graduates with a mini-
mum of 5 years' expe-
rience. Higher initial sa-
lary may be granted to
candidates with excep-
tionally high qualifioations
and long experience. Ap-
plications from retired
Army Medical Officers will
also be considered.

(3) Compounders—Pay
in scje Rs. 110-4-160 6-
200-KB 10-260. Bhutan
Allowance Rs. 160/- per
mensem. Free Austere
Type accommodation.

Candidates should be
qualified in their profes-
sion and have a minimum
of 3 years' experience.

All the above oata-
goties of posts will be
temporary for an initial
period of three years but
likely to continue there-
after also. Appointments
liable to tirmination with
three months' notice on
either side. Candidates
for all posts should be
prepared. to work under
difficult conditions in any
part of Bhutan vnd should
be prepared to join at
very abort notice. .

Applications stating
full details of qualifica-
tions, experience and ao
oompanied by testimonials
should reaoh the Secretary,
Development Wing, Go-
vernment of Bhutan, C/o
S.D.O., Phuntenoling. P.O.
Dalsingpara, Dist. Jalpai-
guri, before 26th July,


' ri 1'utradhan Rai
49, the Head teaoher of
Pagang Qumpa Primary
School breathed bis last
on the 6th July. A con-
dolence meeting, attended
by all the members of
the Committee, the guar-
dians, the leaching staff
and the students of the
sohool was held on i the
9th July. 1962_

Wanted for. the Senior
Basio Sohool under The
Indian Tibetan Associa-
tion, Kalimpong one trai-
ned Graduate (Preferably
Basio trained).

Pay as per revised
scales for aided schools.
Ladies also may apply.
Proficienly in Tibetan
desirable Apply to Sec-
retary, Indian Tibetan
Association, Chung Build-
ing, Kalimpong by July
26th 1962.- .


All the Private Roads
& Paths belonging to
Darjeeling Tea Plantations
Co., Nagri Tea Estate,
Negri Spur P. O , Darjee-
ling will remain closed for
three days on 21st, 22nd
23rd August, 1962. Publio
who are not residents of
this Estate are hereby
informed that neoessary
permission should be ob-
tained from the Manage-
ment of Nagri Tea Estate
for thoroughfare on these