Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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August 15, 1962

Himalayan Times


{ From Oar Correspondent )
D&rjieling, August 11

The high pries of
commodities in Darjeeling
continue to cause concern
to the people here. While
the Government both in
tba State and at the Centre
make promises to hold
the price line, prices of
everyday necessity spiral.
The living index despite
Government assurances to
ibe contrary has definitely
gone up in these hills.
There are several factors
oausing rising prises, some
of which require investi-
gation by experienced eco-
nomists—there are others
which oan be detected
even by the most mundane

For instance, some
commodities particularly
perishables which are
cheap in Siliguri, assume
fisBOy prices when brought
to the Darjeeling market,
and vice-versa. It icrmi
that transport operators
between these places make
unholy capital at the
public's cost. TLe only
effective way by which
this practice can be curbed
is to form a buyers' esse-
oiation which could in-
vestigate into cause for
the rias of prices in
essentia! consruoditie;;, and
if any njsU-fid? is delec-
ted, concerted action

on the offending retailer
could be taken, if neces-
sary by boycotting his
shop, if the transport
operators charge cut-throat
prices for transporting
essential commodities Go-
vernment's attention could
bs drawn to the same.

There are other mal-
practices which some re-
tailers are too keen to
follow—for instance, when
converting seers into kg*,
prices too tend to get
converted to the advantage
of the seller The aver-
age man or woman who
goes to buy puibal in the
market gets easily con-
fuBsd by the change OTer
and is liable to be duped.
Instead of arguing with
the retailer about the
finner nuancsB of kgs,
metres and nay a paits,
he finde it more judicious
to pay the price asked
for without quibbling.

Apart from the high
prices, adulteration of
foodstuffs continues to
increase. This is more so
regarding milk aud milk
products One ie given to
understand that the import
of vegetable tiroducts into
Gboom has spurted in
rsosnt years. Perhaps bus.
ism 7/allas require mors
vsgets-bls gbes to feed

their cows—they tfaenS'
self-* sre not tCK- load
of using vegetsU* }-;e<
ducts as a cociimc li^t"
diom—ao thai it :he otls
conclusion oca car, arrif*
at—one cannot drstm tas>S
pure simple village folk
would deem of adulters?*
ing butter—that '•: 4a*
only by the sophiettcotc-d
town people. The Detje*-
ling Municipality and lbs
Government however be.
lieving in 'free enterprise"
allow these adultertted
products to cireuk-.e in
the market sittinu; !ej
or hinderanoe.


Applications stating
name, father's nan*, pre-
sent itid permanent ad-
dresses, age, eaete, quali-
fications etc. are invited
from bonsfide Scheduled
Tribes people for training
in Carpentry Trainiug-
cum-Production Centre.
Algarsh, The duration of
traioiog is one year with
a stipend of Re. 30/ per
month. Minimum quali-
fication required is c'saes
VI standard. Preference
will he given to Candi-
da t*( belonging to i- our-
panter'ti family.

The applieationt afcoi'd
reach the undersigned by
23rd August I90?i.

A. L. Gbsesl,
for Block Dav<;itipra.ent
Kalimoong De^e5&pm«t«

v. o. A(m*M-