Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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VOL. XVI AUGUST 26, 1362. r ' NO. U


New Delhi, Aug. 22.

The Rajya Babba to-
day gave an overwhel-
ming vote of support to
the Prime Minister's policy
of strengthening India's
military defences against
China while at the same
time using every oppor-
tunity for aseking a peace-
ful settlement.

There was plenty of
orjtioism, and some of it,
especially by Mr. Vajpa.
yee, was vehement. But
most of the criticism re-
lated to details—mainly
the pace of our military
measures compared with
China's and the timing
and conditions required
for talks. The need for
a dual policy of prepa-
rations plus talks was
recognized universally.

Similarly the basic
policy of nonaligrmeot
was supported by every-
one who spoke today
^though under the stress
■'of border emergency some
^measures were suggested.
'jSome members euggestod

C Annual Rs. 6'-

acceptance of military
equipment free of cost
from countries willing to
give it, though they were
oonscious that it would
go againBt the spirit of

India's reply to the Chi-
nese suggtstion for uncon-
ditional talks on the basis
of the officials' report has
yet to be sent, but Mr.
Nehru disclosed that it
would suggest that "in
order to prepare the
ground for fruitful talks
on the main subject, the
first thing to consider is
how to create a situation
which will be free from
tension aDd will involve
withdraws "

India was prepared
to have talks "on this
limited issue and if it
leads to anytbine further
then furthsr talks may
bs indulged in. That is
c.r pre.-ent position.'*

Mr. Nehru remained
silent on the extent of
the withdrawal visualized.

But while he r&called,
with renewed praiae for
its fairness, his ear'ier
proposal about mutual
withdrawal by the two
sideB, he also declared
''it would be absurd to
say that wa must aoh
talk until they conform
to everything we say."

In one of the best
speeches of the day, Mr.
R. K. Sidhwa (0) evoked
loud cheers from the
CongresB benches and some
even from tho Opposition
benches when he pleaded
"let us give Mr. Bsehru
the free hand ha has
asked for and when he
meets the Chineee he
should carry our warmest
good wishes with him."

At the end of Mr.
No'-iiu's speech Mr. Gupta
appealed to Mr. Vajpayee
to withdraw his amend-
ment in order to prove
that the country was uni-
tedly behind Mr. Nehru.
But when Mr Gupta
ciaiaied that the Com**
munists were supporting
the Government Mr. Vaj-
payee pointodly askeii:
"Are you prepared t c
declare that the Chinees
are ageresst-rs ? ' To this
Mr. Gupta had ao reply.

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