Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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December 30, 1962

Himalayan Times


New Delhi, Deo. 26

The total nninber of
Indian soldiers captured by
Chinese invadere in 3,895.

The Chinese Red Cross
has sent a telegram to
the Indian Red Cross
stating that the Chinese
were holding 2,156 Indian
prisoners of war captured
since November 16. This
did cot include the 608
sick and wounded Indian
soldiers releaEtd by the
Chinese recently.

Also, thiB does not
include the Indian soldiers
captured by tho Chinese
before November 16. The
Chinese had made two
announcements about the
capture of 927 and 204
Indian soldiers, respec-
tively, before this date.

The final figure of
Indian soldiers still un-
accounted for is being
prepared. The Prime Mi-
nister has said earlier that
5,174 Indian soldiers were
miesing. Since then some
more stragglers have arri-

road defended

Luoknow, Dec. 25
Mr. Yadunath Kbanal,
Nepal's ambassador-desig-
nate to India, said the
criticism of the construc-
tion of a road by bis
Government linking Katb-
mandu with Lhasa was
not justified.

officials return to
walong & dirang

Tezpur, Dec. 25

The NEFA adminis-
tration has now moved
into Waloug in the Lohit
division and Dirang Dzong
in the Kameng division
and was to have taken
over in Machuka in the
Siang division about six
days march from the Mo-
Mahon Line, today.

Authoritative sources
said here this evening that
the Political Officer of the
Lohit division reached
Walong yesterday where
an administrative unit,
headed by a base supe-
rintendent, had already
started functioning.

The NEFA Commis-
sioner, Col. Luthra, said
that wherever the admi-
nistrative units moved in
the local people were
welcoming them with great
warmth and affection.

Mr Kbanal. who arri-
ved here on his way to
3-elhi, added that it was
not a new construction
but the restoration of a
historical road constructed
by the British to develop

People should under-
stand the economic inte-
rests of Nepal and her
problems before criticizing
her policy. "Our policy,
makers ore much informed
about India while India
does not know so much
about Nepal," he added.

talk less and act
more: president

Anand, Dec. 24
D r. Radhakrishnan
today stressed the need
for the peorS of India
to telk i6sa a more.

Stating tb 'we are
wonderful in tall talk",
the President said it was
absolutely essential . that
every Indian made it a
practice to put into ac-
tion carefully what ha

He referred to much
talk of worshipping cows
and asked "what is ac-
tually done in practice."

Dr. Radhakrishnan
wra laying the foundation
of a diary science oollege
here. He said he was
happy to find something
concr?te being done in
Anand to modernize ag-
riculture and improve the
condition of cattle popu-

(Contiiiueil from page 5i

soever for more than 4S
hours at a stretch, their
tactics consisting mainly
outflanking movements to
cut olf the enemy.

The Chinese operation
in \Talong, however, re
vealed no outstanding fea-
ture. Our troops acted
in the same way as any
other in their position
wouid lnve done But the
Walong engagement has
given the jawaus gieater