Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

India's services in the war (Volume 2): The Indian states — Lucknow, 1922

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Captain Maharana Sri Sir Amarsinghji, K.C.I.E., Raja Saheb of
Wankaner, was born on the 4th January, 1879, and was educated at
the Rajkumar College, Rajkot.
The Taluka placed all its resources at the disposal of Government
when war broke out in August, 1914. Liberal concessions were
granted by the Taluka to the intending recruits and the Taluka was
able to furnish 14 recruits to the Kathiawar Recruiting Depot at
Rajkot. The contributions in money amounted to more than
Rs. 30,000, while the State and the people invested Rs. 76,666 in the
two War Loans. -
Manawad ar.
On the outbreak of war the Chief offered the resources of his
State to the British Government. Liberal concessions were offered
to recruits and their families ; and through the personal exertions
of the late Khan Saheb Fatehdinkhanji, the Taluka was able to
send 60 combatant and 3 non-combatant recruits. The expenditure
on this account comes to Rs. 15,000. The cash contributions of the
State amounted to about Rs. 35,000, the chief item being a sum of
Rs. 28,500 paid to the War Relief and Presidency Women’s Branch
Fund. The Darbar and the people invested Rs. 2,34,000 in the two
War Loans. -—
At the outbreak of hostilities the Chief offered all the resources
of his Taluka to Government. The Taluka offered very liberal
concessions to combatant recruits. One of these was that in case of
death the family of the deceased recruit would be given 50 bighas ol
land in addition to the pension, etc., payable by Government. Ten
recruits were enlisted. The Taluka also placed its commodious
Utara in Rajkot at the disposal of the Recruiting Department and
it was used as the Kathiawar Recruiting Depot.
The Taluka paid its quota towards the Kathiawar Motor
Ambulance. Fleet and the Kathiawar Recruiting- Fund. Financial