AMERICAN Studio Talk. Charles H.CatEn. American Exhibition ofthe International Society
of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers. . . . Supplements clxix, clxxvii, cxcvii, ccv
Annual Exhibition at the Carnegie Art Institute..Suppiement cxcviii
Art in British Guinea. ByC. Prietorius, F. S. A. Twelve Illustrations. ..... 51
Art Students' League of New York.Supplement cxcix
AustrianWickerFurniture, Modern. ByA S. Levetus. Eleven Illustrations. . . . 323
BALDRY, A. L. The Paintings and Etchingsof Sir Charles Holroyd. Twelve Illustrations . 283
Bare, H. Blootnlield. The Annual Exhibition of the Mount Street School of Art. Bighteen
Illustrations. ............... 43
Baumer, Lewis; ColouredChalkDrawings. ByLeouoreVanderVeer. Seven Illustrations. 233
Bere, The Drawings of Stephen Bagshot de la. ByLeonoreVanderVeer. Two Illustrations. 328
Blanche, Jaques Emile. Portrait Painter. By Henri Frantz. Twelve Illustrations. . . igi
Boughton (R. A.), G. H. A Few of the Various Whistlers I Have Knowu. Four Illustrations. 208
Browne, G. Ulick. Some Remarks on the Work of S. Pepys Cockerell. Nine Illustrations. 116
CARR, John E. C., The Metal Work of. By Esther Wood and G. St. Morris. Twelve Illustra-
tions. . . . ..218
Chdret, Jules. DrawingsiuSanguine. By Henri Frantz. "Nine Illustrations. . . . 330
Cockerell, Some Remarks on the Work of S. Pepys. By G. Ulick Browne. Nine Illustrations. 116
ColouredChalkDrawings, Lewis Baumer's. ByLeonoreVanderVeer. Seven Illusttations. 233
Current Art Events. ........ Supplements clxxv, cxcv, cciii, ccxv
DANISH Marine Painter, A. Lauritz Holtz. By Edgcumbe Haley. Five Illustrations . . 122
Dayot, Armand. The FrenchPastellistsof the Bighteenth Century. Nine Illustrations. . 316
Dutch Art, Modern : The Btcliings of Matthew Maris. Four Illustrations. .... 205
ETCHiNGS of Camille Pissarro, The. By Count de Soissons. Six Illustrations . . , 59
Exhibition of National Academy of Design. ....... Supplement ccv
FRANTZ, Henri. Jaques Emile Blanche. Portrait Painter. Twelve Illustrations . . . 191
Frantz, Henri. Jules Chdret'sDrawings in Sanguine. Nine Illustrations. .... 330
French Pastellists of the Bighteenth Century, The. By Armand Dayot. Nine Illustrations. . 316
GERMAN Lithographs in Colour, Recent. By Prof Hans W. Singer. Sixteen Illustrations . 305
Glasgow Designer, A. The Furnit.ureofMr. George Logan. Seven Illustrations. . . . 200
Glasgow School of Art Club Exhibition, The Recent Annual. Seventeen Illustrations. . . 107
IIALEY, Edgcumbe, a Danish Marine Painter. Lauritz Holtz. Five Illustrations. . . 122
Holland, Clive. Lady Art-Students' Life in Paris. Thirteen Illustrations. .... 225
Holroyd, Sir Charles, The Paintings and Btcliings of. By A. L. Baldry. Twelve Illustrations 283
Holtz, Lauritz. A Danish Marine Painter. By Edgcumbe Haley. Five Illustrations. . . 122
LADY Art-Students'Life in Paris. By Clive Holland. Thirteen Illustrations .... 225
Lay Figure, The—
On the Art of Colour Reproduction .... ....... 94
On Materials ..... ........... 188
On the Administration of the Cliantrey Fund .... ..... 280
O11 Art Education ..... .......... 364
Levetus, A.S.. Modern AustrianWickerFurniture. Eleven Illustrations. .... 323
Logan, Mr. George, The Furnitureof, A Glasgow Designer. Seven Illustrations. . . 200
London Sketch Club and Its Menibers, The. By Leonore Van der Veer. Twenty-eight Illus-
trations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Lux, J. A. The " Arbeiterheim," orWorkman's Home, Vienna. Five Illustrations. . . 130
MARIS, Matthew: The Etchingsof. (Modern Dutch Art.) Four Illustrations . . . 205
Metal Work of John E. C. Carr, The. By Esther Wood and G. St. Morris. Twelve Illustrations 218
Morris, G. St. (and Esther Wood). The Metal Work of John E. C. Carr. Twelve Illustra-
Mr. Whistler as a Lithographen By T. R. Way. ......... to
NEWMARCH, Rosa. Some Notes on Modern Russian Art. Ten Illustrations.130
New York Water-Colour Club. .......... Supplement cxcvii
PASTELLISTS of the Bighteenth Century, The French. By Armand Dayot. Nine Illustrations. 316
Phil May, Some Studies in Lead-Pencilby. Six Illustrations. . . . . . . . t44
Prretorius (F. S. A.), C. Art in British Guinea. Twelve Illustrations.31
REYNOLDS-STEPHENS, W., Recent Works by. ByW. K. West. Eleven Illustrations . . 292
Robert Frederick Blum. Sixteen Illustrations. ...... Supplement clxxvii
Russian Art, Some Notes on Modern. By Rosa Newmarch. Ten Illustrations. . . . 130
SCOTT, W. Reminiscencesof Whistler. SomeVeuiceRecollections. Nine Illustrations . 97
Sickert, Oswald. The Oil-Paintiug of James McNeill Whistler. Seven Illustrations. . . 3
Singer, Prof. Hans W. Recent German Lithographs in Colour. Sixteen Illustrations. . . 305
Sketch Book ofPercyWadham, Leavesfromthe. Six Illustrations. ..... 24t
Soissons, Count de. The Etchiugs of Camille Pissarro. Six Illustrations. .... 59
Some Remarks on the Work ofS. Pepys Cockerell. By G. Ulick Browne. Nine Illustrations 116
"Studio "Talk. One Hundred and Fifty six Illustrations. .... 63,153,247,339
THE Annual Exhibition of the Mount Street School of Art, Liverpool. By H. Bloomheld Bare.
Bighteen Illustrations. .45
AMERICAN Studio Talk. Charles H.CatEn. American Exhibition ofthe International Society
of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers. . . . Supplements clxix, clxxvii, cxcvii, ccv
Annual Exhibition at the Carnegie Art Institute..Suppiement cxcviii
Art in British Guinea. ByC. Prietorius, F. S. A. Twelve Illustrations. ..... 51
Art Students' League of New York.Supplement cxcix
AustrianWickerFurniture, Modern. ByA S. Levetus. Eleven Illustrations. . . . 323
BALDRY, A. L. The Paintings and Etchingsof Sir Charles Holroyd. Twelve Illustrations . 283
Bare, H. Blootnlield. The Annual Exhibition of the Mount Street School of Art. Bighteen
Illustrations. ............... 43
Baumer, Lewis; ColouredChalkDrawings. ByLeouoreVanderVeer. Seven Illustrations. 233
Bere, The Drawings of Stephen Bagshot de la. ByLeonoreVanderVeer. Two Illustrations. 328
Blanche, Jaques Emile. Portrait Painter. By Henri Frantz. Twelve Illustrations. . . igi
Boughton (R. A.), G. H. A Few of the Various Whistlers I Have Knowu. Four Illustrations. 208
Browne, G. Ulick. Some Remarks on the Work of S. Pepys Cockerell. Nine Illustrations. 116
CARR, John E. C., The Metal Work of. By Esther Wood and G. St. Morris. Twelve Illustra-
tions. . . . ..218
Chdret, Jules. DrawingsiuSanguine. By Henri Frantz. "Nine Illustrations. . . . 330
Cockerell, Some Remarks on the Work of S. Pepys. By G. Ulick Browne. Nine Illustrations. 116
ColouredChalkDrawings, Lewis Baumer's. ByLeonoreVanderVeer. Seven Illusttations. 233
Current Art Events. ........ Supplements clxxv, cxcv, cciii, ccxv
DANISH Marine Painter, A. Lauritz Holtz. By Edgcumbe Haley. Five Illustrations . . 122
Dayot, Armand. The FrenchPastellistsof the Bighteenth Century. Nine Illustrations. . 316
Dutch Art, Modern : The Btcliings of Matthew Maris. Four Illustrations. .... 205
ETCHiNGS of Camille Pissarro, The. By Count de Soissons. Six Illustrations . . , 59
Exhibition of National Academy of Design. ....... Supplement ccv
FRANTZ, Henri. Jaques Emile Blanche. Portrait Painter. Twelve Illustrations . . . 191
Frantz, Henri. Jules Chdret'sDrawings in Sanguine. Nine Illustrations. .... 330
French Pastellists of the Bighteenth Century, The. By Armand Dayot. Nine Illustrations. . 316
GERMAN Lithographs in Colour, Recent. By Prof Hans W. Singer. Sixteen Illustrations . 305
Glasgow Designer, A. The Furnit.ureofMr. George Logan. Seven Illustrations. . . . 200
Glasgow School of Art Club Exhibition, The Recent Annual. Seventeen Illustrations. . . 107
IIALEY, Edgcumbe, a Danish Marine Painter. Lauritz Holtz. Five Illustrations. . . 122
Holland, Clive. Lady Art-Students' Life in Paris. Thirteen Illustrations. .... 225
Holroyd, Sir Charles, The Paintings and Btcliings of. By A. L. Baldry. Twelve Illustrations 283
Holtz, Lauritz. A Danish Marine Painter. By Edgcumbe Haley. Five Illustrations. . . 122
LADY Art-Students'Life in Paris. By Clive Holland. Thirteen Illustrations .... 225
Lay Figure, The—
On the Art of Colour Reproduction .... ....... 94
On Materials ..... ........... 188
On the Administration of the Cliantrey Fund .... ..... 280
O11 Art Education ..... .......... 364
Levetus, A.S.. Modern AustrianWickerFurniture. Eleven Illustrations. .... 323
Logan, Mr. George, The Furnitureof, A Glasgow Designer. Seven Illustrations. . . 200
London Sketch Club and Its Menibers, The. By Leonore Van der Veer. Twenty-eight Illus-
trations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Lux, J. A. The " Arbeiterheim," orWorkman's Home, Vienna. Five Illustrations. . . 130
MARIS, Matthew: The Etchingsof. (Modern Dutch Art.) Four Illustrations . . . 205
Metal Work of John E. C. Carr, The. By Esther Wood and G. St. Morris. Twelve Illustrations 218
Morris, G. St. (and Esther Wood). The Metal Work of John E. C. Carr. Twelve Illustra-
Mr. Whistler as a Lithographen By T. R. Way. ......... to
NEWMARCH, Rosa. Some Notes on Modern Russian Art. Ten Illustrations.130
New York Water-Colour Club. .......... Supplement cxcvii
PASTELLISTS of the Bighteenth Century, The French. By Armand Dayot. Nine Illustrations. 316
Phil May, Some Studies in Lead-Pencilby. Six Illustrations. . . . . . . . t44
Prretorius (F. S. A.), C. Art in British Guinea. Twelve Illustrations.31
REYNOLDS-STEPHENS, W., Recent Works by. ByW. K. West. Eleven Illustrations . . 292
Robert Frederick Blum. Sixteen Illustrations. ...... Supplement clxxvii
Russian Art, Some Notes on Modern. By Rosa Newmarch. Ten Illustrations. . . . 130
SCOTT, W. Reminiscencesof Whistler. SomeVeuiceRecollections. Nine Illustrations . 97
Sickert, Oswald. The Oil-Paintiug of James McNeill Whistler. Seven Illustrations. . . 3
Singer, Prof. Hans W. Recent German Lithographs in Colour. Sixteen Illustrations. . . 305
Sketch Book ofPercyWadham, Leavesfromthe. Six Illustrations. ..... 24t
Soissons, Count de. The Etchiugs of Camille Pissarro. Six Illustrations. .... 59
Some Remarks on the Work ofS. Pepys Cockerell. By G. Ulick Browne. Nine Illustrations 116
"Studio "Talk. One Hundred and Fifty six Illustrations. .... 63,153,247,339
THE Annual Exhibition of the Mount Street School of Art, Liverpool. By H. Bloomheld Bare.
Bighteen Illustrations. .45