Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 21.1903/​1904(1904)

DOI issue:
No. 81 (November, 1903)
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in her unerring draughtmanship. Her conscious
assurance of power is rehected in the freedom of
her execution. Her skill in recognising and
appropriating that which is truly artistic is happiiy
dispiayed in her choice and consideration of sub-
jects. White Miss Baker's decided preference is
for oit, she is equatty at home in the lighter
mediums; and, as coutd hardty be supposed in the
case of one whose rendering was as virile as hers,
she appears especiatty charming in miniature work.
Here she seems to impart a life and daring which
accord perfectty with the diminutive size, yet
strikingty echo the botdness of her targer produc-
tions. Her efforts, so far, have been directed
mainly to portraiture, atthough, when she has
gone beyond this and carried out an idea, as
in the subject entitted H Z#/?ry, she has been
especiatty fortunate. In this Connection we shoutd
catt attention to a mural decoration—one of a
series to be executed by various artists for the hatt
of the Fine Arts Buildings. Hers is the study of
a single Sgure approached from a decorative stand-
point atone, and, for those qualities which con-
tribute essentiatty to the expression of values,
harmony, rhythm, and proportion, the resutt is
unusualty successfut. A gern of last year's Water
Colour Exhibition, called —CZZrryv, con-
sists of a picturesque treatment of a bird's-eye

view from one of the Windows of the Fine Arts
Building. M. J. G. O.
IS /T ELBOURNE. — We give below an
j S / S illustration of an interesting painting
I V H entitled by
Mr. J. Salvand. J. S.
MONT WiTT, B.A. (London : George Bell & Sons.)
Price gy. net.—If one in a hundred of the persons
who declare that they do not understand art, but
nevertheless protest their keen desire to do so,
purchase a copy of this book, it should have an
enormous circulation. On the whole Mr. Witt
has done his work very well. He is modest, sane,
catholic, and he is uninfluenced by the cant and
the false atmosphere of mystery which have gathered
round the craft of picture-making. We think that
Mr. Witt would be the first to admit that there
exist a vast number of human beings who, even
when they have marked, learned, and inwardly
digested his pages, will still be unable to " look
at pictures" in his sense of the phrase. It is
possible to develop a latent faculty, but it is
impossible to create a faculty. A great many
people have no capacity for " art pleasure" in

