Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 21.1903/​1904(1904)

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Index to volume XXI
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BAUMER, Lewis. "A Girl with the Rose." Coloured Reproduction of the Drawing in Coloured
Baumer, Lewis. "A Study." Coloured Reproductionof the Drawing in Coloured Chaiks . 23g
Baumer, Lewis. " In Pensive Mood." Coloured Reproductiou of the Drawing in Coloured
Chalks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Blanche, Jaques Emile. " Portrait Study." Coloured Reproductiou of the Paiuting . . 190
HAITE, G. C. "AStreet in Tangier." Coloured Reproductionof the Water Colours . . 37
Hassall, John. "TheConspiracy." Coloured Reproductionof thePainting ... 23
Holroyd, Sir Charles. " Eve." Facsimile Reproduction of the Etching .... 293
Holroyd, Sir Charles. " Study of Trees." Coloured Reproduction of the Painting . . 285
Holroyd, Sir Charles. "TheNativity." Coloured Reproductionof the Painting . . . 282
Holst, L. " Gibraltar." Coloured Reproduction of the Painting.127
Holst, L. "The Lofaten Islands, Norway: Early Winter." Reproduction in Tint of the
JONES, Reginald. " Decorative Landscape Study." Coloured Reproduction of the Water-
Colour Study. 33
LEURB, George de. " Decorative Composition." Coloured Reproductionof the Water-Colour 355
OTTO, Heinrich. "Bvening : The Shepherd's Return." Coloured Reproduction of the Chromo
Lithograph. 3:3
RAJON. " Portrait of Whistler." Reproduction in Tint of the Etching . . . . , 213
Reynolds-Stephen W. "A Study." Coloured Reproductionof the Painting .... 303
SHBPPERSON, Claude A. "TheHarvester." Coloured Reproductionof the Oil Sketch . . 27
VOEKMANN. "Pasturein Spring." Coloured Reproductionof the Chronio-Lithograph . 311
WHISTLER, James McNeill. "A Study." Coloured Reproductionof the Water-Colour Sketch . 103
Whistler, jatnes McNeill. "Baby Leyland." A Study in Black-and-White. Lithograph
Reproduction byT.R.Way . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Whistler, James McNeill. "LaVieilleauxLoques." Reproduction in Tint of the Etching . 99
Whistler, James McNeill. "OntheSeashore." Coloured Reproductionof the Water-Colour
Drawing ................ 96
Whistler, James McNeill. " Street atSaverne " Reproduction in Tint of the Etching . 11
Whistler, James McNeill. "Suuset: Venice." Coloured Reproductionof the Pastel . . 209
Whistler, James McNeill. " Trafalgar Square, Chelsea." Coloured Reproductionof theOil-
WiESON, George. " Bacchante." Reproduction in Tint of the Drawing .... 137
Wilson, George. " Study of an Oak-Tree." Coloured Reproductionof the Water-Colour . 141

By Vincent J. Robinson, C. I.E. . . . 268
^47-77/77/^72/777-77/ByR. Phend Spiers, F.S.A. Illustrated. (New Edition) . . 263
2^7'/<y/%g./Z72/z'777z./t'F7Z7:z'.M7:7zry, By Heinrich WölfHin. Illustrated .... 362
lFA7j//^7-, 77z^. ByT. R. WayandG. R- Dennis. Illustrated . . 269
^4y/y 777 ^777-6)7 ^77^-/;7777/, By G. Baldwin Brown, M. A. (Two vols.) .... 270
^7-/7v/'v4,!<5777797, Editedby Lawrence Binyon.
H277 By Lionel Cust ........ Supplement ccxiv
2%7-<5F7-/ 77777/^0^77 H27: By Frances C. Weale . . . Supplement ccxiv
A^77a72fo ZZ<7 JT'Tzcz'. By Georgio Vasari ..... Supplement ccxiv
^7737*^)7 FF777*a'v/Fy'vZ?7'7!zr77'77^'v. ByA. E. Gallatin ........ 269
<2/* /A^ ^4. By W. S. Rogers. Illustrated ........ 88
F7977Z77'^/?7^7)?77777y;y/j77'77^7'V <7777/Editedby George C. Williamson. New edi-
tion (Vol. i) .............. 180
C27'7/777a/'j ^77777^* ^027,777F. By Henry Harland. Illustrated byG.G.C.Wilmshurst . . 271
6'77/^7'7/7-77/iq/'Aj27'/AF7-72/<7-7Z777r^, 71^^. By FrancisMiltoun. Illustrations, Plans and Diagrams
by Blanche McManus .......... Supplement cci
LXzV7/7'7?77 c/* /A^ By Maud Beddington. A Book of Pictures ..... 89
Lb//7'r/z'07z 7/^ 7*77^77V 2j777T7*i?77V. By Don Jose Paseo ......... 362
(777777777'77/v <2/*yo^77 /?77v^z'7z <277 /A^ 4/7*777*7777 672777777^7/7*77. Compiled by George P. Huntington,
with an Introduction by Charles Eliot Norton . . . . ' . Supplement ccxiii
6777777/797 //7777JM, ^4 F7777/: (7/*. By Emest Newton. Illustrated ...... 267
C7*z'77Z37772 ./drz'737./?77T7/f, Z%T7. Editedby Andrew Lang. Illustrated ..... 270
//^T-TzZ/zzF ///77!/7'77/7'7777 <2/* 7?<7C^v, By Walter Crane. Illustrated .... 87
2%/<27Z7^ <y 6/77^77^77^7-77 7:777/ O/A^T- /J7<?777V, 7%^. By William Morris, Illustrated by Jessie King 271
/6<277^ 7777777 Z77777 U?7ZF/z'^. Translated into Dutch by Dr. Edward B. Koster . . 271
Z?777777/^//77. By Lord Balcarres. Illustrated ...... Supplement ccxiv