Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 25.1905

DOI issue:
Nr. 98 (April, 1905)
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ON DON.—The death of Mr. G. H.
Boughton makes a very serious addition
to the long list of losses which the art
world has sustained during the last few
months. He was a painter of remarkable gifts,
who had devoted himself during a long life to the
working out of pictorial ideas which were invariably
marked by poetic originality and charm of con-
ception. He chose scenes from domestic history
—especially from the history of the earlier settlers
in America—subjects from the poets, and purely
fanciful motives, all of which he treated with
exquisite delicacy and freshness of manner; and
he a^so painted landscapes, in which he showed
an unsurpassable appreciation of the more subtle
and suggestive aspects of nature. In his technical
methods he was essentially unacademic; he was
mainly self-taught, and, though in early manhood
he had a short period of study in Paris, he really
developed his own style as an artist without any
systematic training. By some people he has been
claimed as one of that considerable group of
American painters who have settled in this country,
but by birth and descent he was an Englishman—
he was born near Norwich in 1833—and his life
in America, which began when his father migrated

there in 1834, ended in i860. His death is doubly
a matter for keen regret, because it takes from
amongst us an artist who cannot well be spared,
and because it brings to an end a career which was
consistently distinguished. His charming person-
ality had won him a host of friends ; few men have
been so widely and deservedly beloved, and fewer
still have risen to the front rank in their profession
by such absolutely legitimate means.
By the death of Mr. Robeit Brough, at the age
of thirty-two, from injuries sustained in the accident
to the Scotch express, is lost one in the brilliance
of whose work there was promise of a rich con-
tribution to English painting. The unhappy
accident that foreclosed a career that could not
have been other than one of unusual distinction,
deprived his friends also of a companion whose
charm of manner and attractive personality were
in themselves of the nature of genius.
We give here an illustration of the Central Hall
at the Portrait Painters' Exhibition which was
held at the New Gallery before the recent Inter-
national Exhibition. It was devoted to the sculp-
tures of Messrs. John Tweed, Derwent Wood,
Basil Gotto, and Arthur G. Walker, four of the
most able sculptors of the rising generation.
