Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 35.1908

DOI Heft:
No. 137 (July, 1908)
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Art school notes
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Art School Notes

Turning to the landscapes, several of real
interest and merit are to be noted. Rudolf
Quittner was seen to great advantage in the
picture Die Schleuse (The Sluice), the motionof the
water being especially well rendered, and Fallen
Leaves, an autumn landscape broadly treated.
Another autumn landscape was that of Hugo
Darnaunt, a country lane lined by tall trees through
which one catches a glimpse of green meadows, and
Eduard Zetsche contributed delightful bits of
Austrian scenery, and Ferdinand Brunner several
interesting landscapes. Kasparides, Ameseder,
Robert Russ, Ranzoni, Ferdinand Engelmtiller,
Tina Blau, and Frau Florian-Wisinger were all
represented by interesting examples of their art.

The sculpture included some attractive exhibits,
and on the whole was better than usual, the
modern school being better represented. Professors
Weyr and Strasser, Herren Scherpe, Kundmann,
Wollek, Friedrich Gornik and Zelezny contributed
characteristic examples of their work. The medals
and plaquettes of Hans Schaefer, Josef Tautenhayn
and Professor Schwartz, and the ivory and bronze
“ studies ” of Julius Lengsfeld also deserve mention.

Limitation of space prevents me from saying more
than a word or two about the graphic section. This
included some interesting etchings by Professors
Unger and Michalek, two or three dry points by
Ferdinand Gold, original etchings in colour by
Josef Danilowatz and Alfred Wesemann, and a few
lithographs, pen drawings, etc. A. S. L,

O N D O N. — To
win a prize in the
“Gilbert,” or as
it is now called
the “ Gilbert-Garret ” com-
petition, has been the
ambition of hundreds of
London art students during
the past thirty or forty
years, and the proposed
inclusion this season of
some provincial sketching
clubs should make the
contests for awards even
keener than before. The
origin of this competi-
tion is to be traced to
the foundation about 1870
of a sketching club at the St. Martin’s School
of Art, under the patronage of Sir John Gilbert,
R.A. The Gilbert Club soon challenged the
Lambeth School of Art, and in the competition
that followed the late P. H. Calderon, R.A.,
who acted as adjudicator, gave the award of
honour to the South Londoners. The Gilbert
Club, however, gained the first prize for figure
composition, which was taken by a clever young
student whom we now know as Mr. Seymour
Lucas, R.A. Most of the London students’
sketching clubs have since taken part in the
annual contests, and this year the competitors
will include the Birkbeck, the Calderon School of
Animal Painting, Camden, City and Guilds Insti-
tute, Clapham, Crystal Palace, Gilbert - Garret,
Grosvenor, Heatherley’s, Lambeth, Polytechnic,
Royal Academy, St. John’s Wood, St. Martin’s,
South-Western Polytechnic, and Westminster. At
the recent meeting of delegates the following sub-
jects were chosen for the competition in October,
Figure: “A Subject from Kipling”; Landscape:
“ Desolation ”; Animal: “ At the Water’s Edge ”;
Design : “Poster for a Franco-British Exhibition”;
and Sculpture: “ A Combat.” The Secretary of
the Gilbert-Garret competition is Mr. Frederick
Grey, of 3, Great Ormond Street, W.C.
_ J
More than sixty years ago James Mathews Leigh,
Etty’s only pupil, opened the art school in Newman
Street, Oxford Street, which has been for two gene-
rations a favourite resort of artists and students.
Leigh, who died in i860, was followed by Mr.