Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 35.1908

DOI Heft:
No. 138 (august, 1908)
DOI Artikel:
Frantz, Henri: The Salon of the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, 2
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The Society Nationale des Beaux-Arts

picture is modestly entitled Bracquemond et son
disciple. It is indeed a valuable and a faithful
record of two of the great artists of to-day.
One returns with pleasure to the works of
M. J. F. Raffaelli, an artist of great variety and
originality, who imparts character to all he touches,
whether it be a bouquet of flowers, or a figure-piece,
or a landscape. He is par excellence the painter of
Parisian life ; and when some day people shall want
to know what our streets and our boulevards
were like at the end of the nineteenth century, it
is to the work of Raffaelli they will have to turn,
for none has grasped more completely than he the
movement of the modern crowd. The work by
him now reproduced is an excellent specimen of
the brilliant series of Scenes of Paris, bearing the
signature of Raffaelli.
M. Gillot in his vision of the Capital introduces
a note of greater imaginativeness and romance,
caring less for the real aspect of things (at any
rate in his contributions this year) than for their
surroundings and their setting. M. Gillot would

seem to have derived his effects in a sort of way,
though by quite different methods, from the style
of Meryon; his skies are always broadly and
beautifully executed.
Among the figure painters exhibiting at the
Salon in the Avenue d’Antin one of the best,
Mr. Lambert, the Australian artist, must not be
overlooked. Like Mr. R. Bunny, who also is an
artist of much talent, he exhibited in last year’s
Salon, on that occasion contributing a portrait of
King Edward VII. This year Mr. Lambert has a
portrait group. The figures have something of
Velasquez in their attitudes, and the work is skil-
fully composed with a touch of the archaic which
is far from displeasing.
To Mr. Julius Stewart reference has already
been made. It will suffice, therefore, to recall that
this excellent artist, at once figure-painter and
landscapist, has produced one of the best portraits
of a woman seen for a long time past. Readers
of The Studio will find it reproduced with these
notes. Henri Frantz.