Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 41.1910

DOI Heft:
Nr. 164 (October, 1910)
DOI Artikel:
The National Competition of Schools of Art, 1910, at South Kensington
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The National Competition of Schools of A rt, igio

were several interesting examples.
Among them may be mentioned
the stained wood mirror-frame by
Florence Cower, of Regent Street
Polytechnic (p. 298); the designs
by Gertrude de la Mare, of the
same school, for an overmantel
(p. 298), and for a writing-case of
wood decorated with figures in
gesso; and the painted box by
Helen Jacobs, of West Ham School
of Art. The wood carving was
unremarkable except for the admir-
able finial for a bed-post, by
William B. Binns, of Birmingham
(Margaret Street), than which noth-
ing better of its kind has been

vellum covered box "ZZlS^ ^ ^. '™ *™ » *« N^

Competition (p. 298). The few
examples of furniture which figured in the exhibi
tion do not call for particular comment.

design for decoration of a box

BY helen jacobs (west ham)

Camberwell student, Thomas Kent (see p. 300),
are perhaps as good as any. But the most in-
teresting thing in the group of book covers was by
Mary G. Gibson, of Wolverhampton School of Art.
This was a case for a Prayer-Book made in leather
of very dark greenish-brown, with a handle of
brown silk cord; and the same student showed with
it a cover for the Prayer-Book itself (see p. 300).
The exhibition contained several other good works
of a different nature in leather, including a casket
by Edith Stewart, and a music or address case by
Alice Hirst-Smyth, both of Brighton School of Art;
a circular frame with embossed design by Lorna
K. Griffiths, of Birmingham (Margaret Street), and
an embossed box with enamelled silver mounts
by another student of the same school, Edith
Tasker. The vellum-covered box by Kathleen
Mills, of Armstrong College School of Art, New-
castle-on-Tyne (above), is also worthy of com-

j .. bag-mount in silver and steel, damascened

menciation. with gold, by henry m. capner (Birmingham,

Of work in painted and decorated wood there vittoria street)
