Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 50.1913

DOI Heft:
Nr. 197 (July, 1913)
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Pollak, Marta Hofrichter, Carl Krenek, and Ludwig
Rosch, whose lithographs of fast vanishing relics
of old Vienna are exceedingly beautiful in texture
and delicacy of manipulation. A. S. L.
BERLIN.—The Schulte Salon has been
showing collections of diverse kinds,
yielding much interest. George Harcourt
created a highly favourable impression as
a painter of life-sized portrait-groups, a speciality in
which English artists excel. He combines a fine
feeling for rich and yet subdued values with original
decorativeness, and his naturally posed groups
acquire a documentary importance by their reliable
characterisation of the interior. Much enjoyment
was derived from Walter Geffken’s original child-
portraiture and delicate costume-genres, Carl
Hessmert’s impulsive landscape renditions and the
Swiss Rudolf Mulli’s vigorous and yet refined
soldier-pictures. Franz Lippisch has steadily
pursued the line struck by Schirmer and Rocklin.
His landscapes as well as his female figures of
Italian origin breathe the classical spirit softly
tinged with melancholy, and this it is which gives
his La Romagnola an almost symbolic character.
Attilio Sacchetto, the prominent Munich

draughtsman, has taken up his residence in Berlin.
After drawing architectural perspectives for Messel
and other renowned architects, he is continuing his
series of studies from reality. Nocturnal land-
scapes pregnant with meditative feeling are his
forte. We always become aware of his truthful-
ness, which is supported by an almost photographic
eye. He can envisage his subjects on large lines,
but discovers poetical charms also in hidden
nooks. J. J.
PARIS.—The piece of decorative earthen-
ware reproduced on the opposite page
and the tile panel reproduced on page
77 are recent examples of the work of
a ceramiste whose productivity has been both
abundant and extraordinarily varied. Auguste
Delaherche is indeed a great artist, and even an
illustration in colour can give only an approximate
idea of the beauty of his creations. For thirty
years he has been perfecting himself, and his
latest productions are, in fact, the most sumptuous
and the most perfect of the entire output of his
career. In his lonely atelier near Beauvais he has
brought together little by little a whole collection
of documents in the shape of drawings and models,
and by his unremitting researches has advanced

