Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 50.1913

DOI Heft:
Nr. 198 (August 1913)
DOI Artikel:
D., L. C.: Contemporary Spanish painting at the Art Institute of Chicago
DOI Artikel:
A work on Bonington
DOI Artikel:
Slow-drying moist water colors
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Contemporary Spanish Painting

church, and the same picturesque people in gala
dress at a baptism. Every face bears its stamp of
individual and racial character. Truly Spanish,
too, are Gonzalo Bilbao’s studies of the women
workers in the tobacco factory at Seville, Gar-
nelo’s country bull-fight, and Roberto Domingo’s
picadors on their ill-fated horses. There is a
decided tendency toward carrying vigorous real-
ism to such an extreme that the observer is not so
much impressed by its power as he is repelled by
its brutality. This is true of Eduardo Chicharro’s

of the soul of that complex nation. His one
picture in the present exhibition, a serene and
harmonious work painted in rich color with a
fluent brush, strikes a deep note of Spanish mys-
ticism. It is called The Hermit, and shows an old
man with his book and staff against a glowing sky.
L. C. D.
The John Lane Company proposes bring-
ing out an important work on Richard Parkes

bold, harsh de-
lineations of
Castilian peas-
ants, cl eve r
though they are.
The strange
and original
works of the
brothers Valen-
tin and Ramon
de Zubiaurre
have attracted
much attention.
These artists are
Vise ayan b y
birth, trained in
Madrid and in
Paris. So simi-
lar is their style
that one can
scarcely distin-
guish the paint-
ings of one
brother from
those of the
other. They
copy the human
figure and still
life with curious

Owned, by Mr. C. W. Kraushaar

Bonington, and
has entrustedM.
Albert Dubuis-
sonwith thetask
of writing the
artist’s life,
along with a crit-
ique of hispaint-
Readers of
The Interna-
tional Studio
who possess any
works of this
painter or who
can throw any
light upon the
whereabouts of
paintings, draw-
ings or any in-
teresting mate-
rial relating to
Bonington, will
confer a great
favor by com-
municating with
the editor at 120
W. 32d Street,
New York.

fidelity, usually completely disregarding their
setting, but arranging them in a decorative pat-
tern against an unreal background, with values
arbitrarily assumed, They preserve all the bril-
liant local colors, but often a background is strong
enough in blue or green to bind the whole into a
dark but glowing harmony. The mysterious ap-
peal of these strange works lies in their sentiment,
in their sympathetic delineation of the life of these
lean, weather-beaten, intense peasants of Viscaya
and Castile.

The well-known firm of Winsor& Newton have
discovered a process of preventing their water
colors from hardening too quickly when pressed
out upon the palette. They are styled “slow
drying,” and are of inestimable value to workers
in the lighter medium during hot months or when
painting in hot conntries. These colors are sup-
plied in tubes only and at the same price as
ordinary water colors in tubes. For covering

In this appreciation of the racial, Zuloaga has
been a leader. He, the Spaniards themselves
declare, is the real painter of Spain, the interpreter

large surfaces and for quick sketching the artist
and architect will welcome this new arrival on
the market.
