Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 82.1925

DOI Heft:
Nr. 341 (October 1925)
DOI Artikel:
Hutchinson, G. P.: Liverpool's stained glass
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in rich color on a white
curtain. In the back-
ground above each
figure is introduced
some building or scene
connected with the
saint. The free treat-
ment of these windows
gives a very pleasing
effect; they are full of
life and imagination,
while the color scheme
is restful and harmon-

After the com-
pletion of the Lady
Chapel, the windows
of the choir were taken
in hand, consisting of
the great east window
and four large two-
light windows in the
north and south walls.
The east window is
one of the largest in
England, the total
height being seventy-
six feet and the width
forty-four feet. It
consists of four lights,
each forty-six feet high
by seven feet three
inches wide, with trac-
ery above. The sub-
ject of the east win-
dow is the Te Deum.
In the rose at the top
is a majestic figure of
Christ in glory, while
in the tracery and
upper parts of the
lights are figures of
Cherubim and Sera-
phim, angels and arch-
angels, and in the

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monotonjr is relieved
by the color being con-
centrated in bands of
white and gold figures
between groups of fig-
ures in rich color, the
whole producing an
effect of mystery
which is pleasing to
the eye.

The four two-light
windows in the choir
are perhaps the most
popular in the cathe-
dral. They are very
deeply recessed, and
each has a dominant
color. They are gen-
erally known as the
sapphire, gold, ruby
and emerald windows.
They portray the life
and ministry of Our
Lord and the mani-
festation of His power
on earth, as related in
the four Gospels. The
four large circles at
the top of each window
contain figures of the
four evangelists sur-
rounded by small
scenes peculiar to each
Gospel in white and
stain. The mam sub-
jects are the Nativity
and Epiphany, the
feeding of the five-
thousand and the rais-
ing of Jairus' daughter,
the Baptism of Our
Lord and the Trans-
figuration, the charge
to St. Peter, and Christ
appearing to St. Mary

lights themselves are side window in lady chapel Magdalen. Numerous

represented the apos- I subsidiary figures are

ties, prophets, martyrs and the Holy Church from introduced in the canopies and shafting having

the dawn of Christianity to the present day. reference to the main subjects. In this as in other

Although the splendor of the design is indicated details, the gothic spirit has been the inspiration

by the illustration, only color would do justice for this splendid modern creation in glass. In

to its full beauty. With the exception of the four the north and south transepts are two large

large figures of archangels at the heads of the two-light windows, each with a circle above,

lights, the rest of the window is more or less The subject of that in the north, or War Me-

a mosaic, or tapestry, effect, suggesting a col- morial Chapel, is Sacrifice and the Risen Lile

lection of many fragments of old glass, but the and the figures or groups deal with sacrifice

october 1925
