Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 82.1925

DOI Heft:
Nr. 342 (November 1925)
DOI Artikel:
Anderson, Joan: Religious art in America
DOI Seite / Zitierlink: 

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" FLIGHT 1NTO EGYPT Courtesy of the Grand Central Art Galleries BY HENRY O. TANNER, A.N.A.


/t would, doubtless, Contemporary American trends from the vantage
astonish many people to painters are devoting their Point of a Iater day> but we

learn that there is reli- ^ {q ^ depiction of the °"Iy reaIize the sifificance
gious art m America today. , /' 4L our own Peri°d m part.

Yet aside from stained glass, great religious themes In the present moment

murals and other definitely cJOAN ANDERSON m art triere is> °f course,
ecclesiastical art, there is a change, growth and the put-
large amount of work, worthy of consideration, ting out of new leaves and shoots in many bewil-
based on religious subjects and handled with sin- dering directions. Some of this growth, that
cerity and conviction. appears to be striking down to the soil for nourish-
It is not surprising, however, that this work ment, and consequently seems destined to live, is
should be overlooked in the increasingly large the art based on religious motifs, for it reflects
output of the increasingly large number of present- the interest in religion and the questioning of
day artists. Moreover, it is always true that an spiritual truths that have been a legacy of the war.
attempt to analyze contemporary tendencies re- Naturally enough there is no early religious
veals the fact that we are too close for any but a art in America. Puritan tradition did not tolerate
myopic vision. So near the shifting kaleidoscope the decorating of the bare walls of its meeting-
it is difficult to get any comprehensive idea of the houses. Beauty having been driven out as a hand-
many elements of the pattern. It is easy enough maid of religion from the churches of Holland by
afterwards to talk glibly about movements and the whitewash brush and attacked in fanatical

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