Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 82.1925

DOI issue:
Nr. 343 (December 1925)
DOI article:
Read, Helen Appleton: The exposition in Paris, 2
DOI Page / Citation link: 

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the same reasons that the architecture is. The of the original concept of the ancient and honor-
pruning of all carving should delight the housewife able article of furniture. Color is introduced
and frequently one piece is made to serve the through the bedspread, the colored background or
purpose of two. Armoires are also bookcases and painted designs on the woodwork. This same sim-
cabinets, beds have nightstands built into the plicity of design maintains throughout the fur-
headboards, thus saving much space in the small niture of the modern movement. Those of us who
apartments which modern conditions allot us. have slept amid the tortured designs of brass beds,
The architecture is made to fit the furniture and who have lived with jig saw designs in chairs and
vice versa. Bookcase and vitrines are niches in tables will welcome this simplicity,
the walls, beds are placed in niched spaces with Silverware and china are simple in design, the
usually a background of a color different from the silver services are frequently octagonal and intro-
rest of the room. It is significant in accounting duce color in the form of coral, jade or lapis
for the close affinity which exists between the handles and knobs. Glass has again been made a
architecture and the interior decoration that thing of beauty in the hands of such artists as
many of the foremost designers are Beaux Art Lalique and Marinot of France and the Orefors
graduates. A table, a bed, an interior are as care- glass of Sweden.

fully built up as a building. This universal tendency towards simplicity of

The bed is the article of furniture upon which outline should be of the greatest interest to the

the French designer of furniture has lavished the American designer if he will recognize that this is

greatest amount of ingenuity and taste. They are the fundamental note. All design in this country

for the most part simple, low couches, with solid is governed by the factor of whether or not it can

head and footboards, often no footboards at all. be reproduced in mass production. It costs no

They are flat on the ground, no chance for dust to more to get out a good design than it does a bad

collect. They may be said to be an interpretation one, and the fact that the best designs of the new


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