Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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In Poland, neoclassical art developed
between about 1760 and 1830. The
art which developed under the Polish
State before the loss of independence
in 1795 and was linked with the
Polish Enlightenment has been dis-
tinguished as the first period. The.
next period covered the art between
1795 and 1807, when there was no
centre of Polish rule, nor State pat-
ronage in the arts. The beginnings of
a new cultural policy can be dis-
cerned in the period of the Duchy of
Warsaw, in 1807-1815. Neoclassical
art was expressed in new forms at the
time of the Kingdom of Poland, be-
tween 1815 and 1831, when State pat-
ronage was active on a large scalę.
The most important years in the his-
tory of Polish neoclassicism came in
the periods of the Enlightenment and
the Kingdom of Poland (1815-1831).
The present book is concerned with
neoclassical art, but this does not
signify that an attempt is madę here
to distinguish it artificially from the
whole of the artistic events of the
epoch. It is impossible to separate the
landscape garden, with its numerous
neoclassical pavilions, from the neo-
classical pałace. It is impossible to
distinguish with complete accuracy
between that which in painting and
sculpture is neoclassical and that
which is an echo of the baroąue or
rococo, or that which is so conven-
tional that it is sometimes called
academic. Therefore, the title of this
book should be understood morę
broadly, as referring both to neoclas-
sicism proper and related develop-
