Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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List of illustrations

(the reference at the end of each item is to the catalogue
Figures in the text
p. 7 Warsaw, Royal Castle, draft design of the Ballroom,
V. Louis, 1765, India ink and water colour; Cabinet of
Drawings, Warsaw Univ. Lib. [cat. 2]
p. 8 Warsaw, Royal Castle, draft design for reconstruction,
J. Fontana, 1772, drawn by J.Ch. Kamsetzer, 1773;
Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw Univ. Lib. [cat 6]
p. 10 Warsaw, Solec Garden, draft design of an artifical
ruin and wooden mili, S.B. Zug, c. 1772, India ink and
water colour; Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw Univ. Lib.
[cat. 7]
p. 11 Warsaw, Royal Castle, draft design for reconstruc-
tion and novel shaping of the Castle sąuare, E. Szreger,
1777, India ink and water colour; Cabinet of Drawings,
Warsaw Univ. Lib. [cat. 9]
p. 13 Warsaw, Royal Castle, draft design for reconstruc-
tion andexpansion, D. Merlini, 1773, pencil and India ink;
Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw Univ. Lib. [cat. 8]
p. 14 Warsaw, draft design of the edifice of the Academy
of Sciences, D. Merlini, c. 1774-76, pencil and India ink;
Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw Univ. Lib. [cat. 10]
p. 15 Warsaw, draft design of the edifice of the National
Theatre, S.B. Zug, c. 1776, India ink, water colour and
sepia; Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw Univ. Lib. [cat. 11]
p. 16 Głosków, draft design of a villa for PiotrTepper Sr.,
S.B. Zug, c. 1775-1780, India ink and water colour;
Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw Univ. Lib. [cat. 12]
p. 18 Vilna, draft design of a parish teachers’ training
college, M. Knakfus, 1776, India ink; Cabinet of Draw-
ings, Warsaw Univ. Lib. [cat. 13]
p. 20 Warsaw, draft design of the pałace of the Sanguszko
family, S.B. Zug, c. 1778; India ink and water colour;
Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw Univ. Lib. [cat. 14]
p. 22 Warsaw, draft design of a triumphal arch in the
Castle Sąuare, J. Kubicki, 1781, pencil and water colour;
Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw Univ. Lib. [cat. 17]
p. 24 Warsaw, draft design of the “White Eagle” Hotel,
S.B. Zug, 80s of the 18th century, India ink and water
colour; Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw Univ. Lib. [cat. 18]
p. 25 Warsaw, draft design of the Ballroom at the so-called
“Four Winds” Pałace of Piotr Fergusson Tepper, S.B.
Zug, c. 1784, India ink and water colour; Cabinet of
Drawings, Warsaw Univ. Lib. [cat. 19]
p. 27 Różana, draft design of the Theatre Room at the
pałace of the Sapieha family, J. S. Becker, c. 1784, India ink
and sepia; Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw Univ. Lib.
[cat. 20]
p. 28 Raszyn, draft designofaninn, S.B. Zug,c. 1784-90,
India ink and water colour; Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw
Univ. Lib. [cat. 21]

p. 30 Vilna, draft design of the town hall, W. Gucewicz,
1785-86, India ink and water colour; Cabinet of Drawings,
Warsaw Univ. Lib. [cat. 22]
p. 31 W'arsaw, draft design for the reconstruction of the
Piarist college, S. Zawadzki and S.K. Potocki, 1786, India
ink; Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw Univ. Lib. [cat. 23]
p. 32 Sierniki, draft design of the pałace of K. Radolińska,
J.Ch. Kamsetzer, 1786-88, India ink; National Museum in
Warsaw [cat. 24]
p. 33 Warsaw, draft design of the house of Wilhelm Arndt,
S.B. Zug, 1787, India ink; Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw
Univ. Lib. [cat. 25]
p. 34 Siedlec, draft design of the pałace of the Krzycki
family, J.Ch. Kamsetzer, c. 1790, India ink and pencil;
National Museum in Warsaw [cat. 26]
p. 35 Warsaw, draft design of the pałace ofS. Poniatowski,
called “Ustronie” (Secluded Spot), S. Zawadzki, before
1785, copperplate [cat. 27]
p. 36 Warsaw, draft design of the Ujazdów' church - the
Tempie of Divine Providence, J. Kubicki, before 1791,
pencil and sepia; Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw Univ. Lib.
[cat. 28]
p. 38 Warsaw, Royal Castle, draft design of the Bed-
chamber and Study, J.Ch. Kamsetzer, 1792, India ink;
Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw Univ. Lib. [cat. 29]
p. 39 Vilna, Cathedral, draft design for reconstruction, W.
Gucewicz, 1783, India ink; Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw
Univ. Lib. [cat. 31]
p. 43 Falenty, pałace of Piotr Fergusson Tepper, draft
design of the Ballroom, S.B. Zug, c. 1782-84, India ink
and water colour; Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw Univ.
Lib. [cat. 32]
p. 44 Arkadia, draft design of the Tomb of Illusions, H.
Ittar, c. 1800, India ink and water colour; National
Museum in Warsaw [cat. 34]
p. 45 Warsaw, draft design of the Main Warsaw Storę,
W.H. Minter, c. 1800, pencil and water colour; Cabinet of
Drawings, Warsaw Univ. Lib. [cat. 35]
p. 47 Warsaw, Royal Castle, draft design forexpansion, J.
Kubicki, 1816-1818, India ink and water colour; Hermit-
age, Leningrad, USSR [cat. 36]
Black-and-white illustrations in the album section
1. Warsaw, Carmelites’ Church, front elevation, E.
Szreger, after 1762 [cat. 37]
2. Warsaw, Łazienki, White Pavilion, south elevation,
D. Merlini, c. 1765-74 [cat. 38]
3. White Pavilion, detail of the paintings in the Dining
Chamber [cat. 39]
4. White Pavilion, Dining Chamber, painted decoration
by J.B. Plersch, 1775-77 [cat. 39]
5. Warsaw, Powązki, garden of Izabela Czartoryska, nee
