Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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sandbank, its dominant elements were the neoclassical Sybil’s Tempie, constructed by Piotr
Aigner in 1789-1801, which housed national relics, and the Gothic Cottage of 1809, with
a collection of stone fragments, works of art and relics from various European countries. The
inscription over the entrance to the Tempie - “The Past for the Futurę” - carried a elear
Architects and gardeners collaborated with Czartoryska. Among them James Savage, who
stayed at Puławy from 1791 to 1816, played the greatest role.
Czartoryska’s book Myśli różne o sposobie zakładania ogrodów (Various Reflections on the
Manner of Making Gardens), published in 1805, greatly influenced the development of the
landscape park in the first decades of the 19th century. Like Moszyński 30 years earlier, she
too recommended an adaptation of the generał principles of landscape gardening to the local
landscape flora, which should set the course for the composition of Polish gardens. In her
gardening practice she preserved paths lined with tali old linden trees and adjusted a large
number of old elements of the park to the new compositions.
From the beginning of the 19th century numerous landscape parks were laid out in Volhynia
and the Ukrainę. Many of them were arranged by Dionizy MacClaire, also called Mikler,of
Irish origin. They often covered large areas. MacClaire madę 45 such parks, including those
at Młynów, Poryck, Boremel and Mizocz. Zofiówka near Humań, on the estates of Szczęsny
Potocki, became the most famous of all the parks in that region.
In the area of Warsaw, in 1806-1815 a large English park was laid out at Natolin, the workof
Anna Potocka, nee Tyszkiewicz, who also introduced considerable changes in the park at
Jabłonna, which she inherited from Prince Józef Poniatowski. In those years, monuments
and relics of the cult of heroes expressing patriotic feelings were a peculiar feature of Polish
landscape romantic gardens. The parks at Puławy and Jabłonna commemorated Prince Józef
Poniatowski; the Zofiówka park, Kościuszko; and Wilanów, the Raszyn Battle, to mention
only the best-known examples.
The popularity of landscape gardening in Poland is evidenced by works of literaturę, among
which one should notę the earlier Listy o ogrodach (Letters on Gardens) by Krasiński,


Warsaw, draft design of the Ujazdów church
- the Tempie of Divine Providence,
J. Kubicki, beforc 1791