Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
loading ...
1 cm
Herculaneum (Italy) 6, 11,27, 262
Homel (USSR) 284
Humań (USSR) 36
Igołomia (Kr), pałace of the Wodzicki family 43, 269; 132
- Round Salon 269; 133
Inowrocław (Wł) 267, 268
Jabłonna (Wa), pałace 30
- Ballroom 251
- front elevation, present State 251; 18
- garden elevation, present State 251; 17
- generał view from the front (drawing by F. Smuglewicz)
251; 19
park 34, 36
Jarogniewice (P), pałace of the Sokolnicki family
- front elevation 266; 113
Jerusalem 26, 261
Jordanowice near Grodzisk Mazowiecki 10
Kaleń (Sk), granary and stabłes 275; 171
Kalisz, edifice of the former court of Justice 273; 156
toll-houses 275
Kock (Lb) 14
church and town hall (water colour by Z. Vogel) 255,
256; 47
Jabłonowska’s pałace 30 (water colour by Z. Vogel)255;
Kolbuszowa (Rz)
chair (National Museum in Warsaw) 288; 222
Koronowo (B) 268
Korzec (USSR), former porcelain manufactory 287, 288
Soup tureen (National Museum in Warsaw) 287; XIX
Krzeszowice (Kr) 280
Krzyżanowice (Ra), parish church
- front elevation 264; 94
Laurentum near Romę 242
Leningrad (USSH)
Hertnitage 260
- J. Kubicki, design for reconstruction of Royal Castle
in Warsaw 247; 47
- Z. Vogel, View of Łazienki Pałace from the Bridge of
John III Sobieski see Warsaw, Łazienki
Lewków (K), pałace of the Lipski family 266
- front elevation 265; 102
- ground-floor salon 103
Lublin 273, 280
Lubostroń (Bg), pałace of the Skórzewski family 13, 264,
- front view 267; 120
- ground plan of the pałace 267
- rotunda with the relief Queen Jadwiga Receives the
Teutonic Knights at Inowrocław 241, 267; 121
Lvov (USSR) 49
Lyon (France) 19
Łańcut(Rz) 269, 280
Castle 12, 43

- Ballroom 270; 137, 138, 139
- Brenna Room I 258; 64
- Brenna Room II 258; XVII
- Column Room 267
-A. Canova, Statuę of Henryk Lubomirski 284; 201
- State Dining Room 270; 141
Orangery 269; 131
Zameczek (Romantic Castle)
- interior of the dome 270; 140
Łęczyca (PI) 279
Lęgonice (Ra) 275
Łobzów (Kr) 288
Łowicz (Sk)
post Office 274, 275; 167
town hall 274; 168, 169
Łódź 273
Art Museum
- M. Bacciarelli, Helena Radziwiłł, nee Przeździecka
280; 187
Mała Wieś (Ra), pałace of the Walicki family 14, 30, 268,
- Golden Chamber 257; 58, 59
- Pompeian Chamber 257; 62, 63
- view from the front 257; 56, 57
- Warsaw Chamber 257, 258; 60, 61
Marywil see Warsaw-Marywil
Milicz (Wr), pałace
- front elevation 269; 130
Mizocz (USSR) 36
Mlochów (Wa) 43
Młociny see Warsaw-Młociny
Młynów (USSR) 36
Modlin (Wa) 284
Mokobody (Si), parish church
- faęade 129
Mokotów see Warsaw-Mokotów
Moscow (USSR) 8
Naples (Italy) 257
Natolin see Warsaw-Natolin
Nieborów (Sk) 34
pałace of the Radziwiłł family 12
- G. Quarenghi, design for reconstruction and expan-
sion 246; VIII
- armchair with eagle, Polish make 289; 223
- escritoire, Polish make 289; 224
Olesin (Lb)
Orangery (water colour by Z. Vogel) 263; 89
S.K. Potocki’s house (water colour by Z. Vogel)263; 88
Packington (Great Britain) 276
Paestum (Italy) 275
Pakosław (Le), pałace of the Krzyżanowski family 30
- rotunda 266; 114
-relief Boleslas the Bold... 266; 115
