Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Maspero, Gaston
Études de mythologie et d'archéologie égyptiennes (Band 8) — Paris, 1916

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of the Living, with its lid, as well as the true and precious
pyramidion of the pyramid (called) « Khânofir mistress of
Mirinirî ». His Majesty sent me to Elephantinè to bring
a stèle in the form of a false door, together with its base of
granité [for the passage of the pyramid], (and) to bring back
the gâtes and the thresholds of the exterior chapel of the
pyramid « Khânofir mistress of Mirinirî ». I returned with
them to the pyramid Khânofir of Mirinirî in six galliots,
three pontoons, three barges (and) a man of war,—never
had there been a man of war at Abhaït or at Elephantinè;
so ail things that His Majesty had ordered me (to do) were
accomplished fully as His Majesty had ordered them. His
Majesty sent me to Hatnubu' to transport a large table of
ofïerings of alabaster. I brought this table of offerings
down [from the mountain] : as it was impossible in Hat-
nubu to despatch (it) along the course of the current in
this galliot, I eut a galliot out of the wood of the acacia-
sont, GO cubits long and 30 cubits broad ; I embarked the
17th day of the third month of Shomu, and although there
was no water over the sand-banks of the river I reached tin;
pyramid Khânofir of Mirinirî prosperously ; 1 was there
with [the table of ofïerings] without fail according to the
order which the majesty of my lord had deigned to com-
mand me. His Majesty sent me to excavate five channels (?)
in the South and to construct three galliots and four pon-
toons of acacia-sont of U au ait ; now the negro princes of the
countries of Arotit, Uauait, Aamu, (and) Maza felled the
wood for that purpose, and I accomplished it ail in oui y
one year, the transportation to the water and the loading
of large quantities of granité for the pyramid Khânofir
of Mirinirî2; and moreover I caused a palace to be con-

1. The modéra Baaûb el-Hammàm, where there are quarries of
marble on the right bank of the Nile in the neighbourhood of Siut
(Brugsch, History of Egypt, 2d edit., vol. I., p. 124).

2. Thèse blocks of granité are probably those which still obstruct the