Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Maspero, Gaston
Études de mythologie et d'archéologie égyptiennes (Band 8) — Paris, 1916

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west of Thebes ». This temple is that at Qurnah, ancl the
inscription thus allows us to détermine the spot from which
a portion of the materials used in its construction had been
brought. The quarry continued to be worked in Grseco-
Roman times, as is proved by the graffiti copied in it by
A. H. Sayce, and published by him under the title of In-
scriptions grecques d'Egypte, in the Revue des Etudes
grecques, IV, pp. 46-48'.

In the quarry situated about 30 yards to the south of that
in which the tablet of Seti I. was found, the inscription of
Smendes is engraved on a large stèle in beautifully formed
characters. The stèle occupies the northern face of a co-
lumn at the entrance of the quarry. About a third of the
text at the commencement and about half of it towarcls the
end has been destroyed by searchers for treasure. What
remains is similar in appearance to the stèle of Shishak I.
and Auputi at Gebel-Silsileh. Above the stèle the solar
disk expands its wings. flankecl on the right by a vertical
band which contains the words : « The good god, master of
the two worlds, master of ail action, Uzkhopirrî Sotpunirî,
son of the Sun, master of diadems, Nsbindidi Miamum. »
The band on the left, which has disappeared, probably con-
tained the saine legend.

Under the winged disk is a double scène of adoration.
On the right the king Nsbindidi Miamun makes an offering
to Amonrâ, « the god from whom is dérivée! the Ennead of
the two Egypts, the god who was at the moment of créa-
tion, » as well as to Khonsu the master of Truth. On the
left the offering was made to Amon the lord of Karnak,

1. The Greek graffiti are four in number. One of them is dated in
the reign of Antoninus Severus Caracalla, another in the a first year »
of the joint reign of Elagabalus and Alexander Severus (A.D. 221) a
third in the « llth year» of Alexander Severus (A.D. 232). The latter
is dedicated to « Priôtos, the greatest god, and Oregebthis and Isis Re-
sakemis and the greatest gods with them ».