Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Maspero, Gaston
Études de mythologie et d'archéologie égyptiennes (Band 8) — Paris, 1916

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stele of king smendes


and to a divinity now dcstroyed, who was probably Mut.

The inscription comprises 17 lines running from right to
left. The two first contain the full protocol of the king,
which it is needless to translate here; the important part of
the test begins in the third line.


3. a Now His Majesty being in the city of Hâikuphtah',

his august résidence, victorious and strong as RÂ,
[in orcler to perform his dévotion to Phtah]

4. the master of Ankiitoui2, to Sokhit the great beloved

one of Pthah, [to Tumu-Khopri] , to Montu, and
to the circle of nine gods who réside in Hâit-Saru \
while His Majesty was seated in his audience-cham-
ber [a messenger came to déclare before]

5. His Majesty : « It is the arm of southern" water, situated

on the border of the Apit of the South5, dug by
king Thothmes III., which proceeds [to ruin, for it
is being drained away, and]

6. forming a great torrent which deeply channels (the

ground) as far as the great opisthodome of the temple
extends to the back [of the building6. » His Majesty

1. The sacred name of Memphis, from which the name of Egypt
(Greek Aiguptos) is probably derived.

2. « Life of the two Egypts », the name of the quarter of Memphis in
which the principal temples of the city were situated.

3. (( The castle of the Prince », the most ancient temple of Râ at He-
liopolis, considered as having been the castle (hait) or résidence of Râ,
when he was king of Egypt at the beginning of time.

4. I read rîsinti in place of Anti given by M. Daressy; a confusion
between the signs ris and a is very easy.

5. Thebes, on the eastern side of the Nile.

6. The word hii seems to me connected with the Coptic gioi, goi,