Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Merle, William; Symons, George James [Editor]
Merle's MS. Consideraciones temperiei pro 7 annis. Per Magistrum Willelmum Merle, Socium Domus De Merton: The earliest known journal of the weather: kept by the Rev. William Merle, Rector of Driby, Lincolnshire 1337 - 1344 — London, 1891

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[DIGBY MS. 176, fol. 4.]

Temperature of the Air at Oxford for

Seven Years.

It is to be noted that a day begins from sunrise, and since frost never begins from sunrise,
but in the previous night, therefore the first night on which it takes place is not
reckoned among the days to which the frost is attributed.

A.D. 1337.

In January there was warmth, with moderate dryness, and in the previous winter(I)
there had not been any considerable cold or humidity, but more dryness and warmth.

In February, during the first week there was moderate frost, and after an interval
of three days there was slight frost for another week.

In March, for almost two weeks there was cold, with moderate humidity. The
remainder of the month was dry, with moderate warmth.

In April there was moderate warmth, with great humidity.

In May, four days were humid, with moderate warmth. All the remainder was
moderately warm and dry, with moderate showers at intervals, but on the 17th there was
sudden heavy rain, with thunder, heavier than any that had fallen at Oxford in so short a
time for many years.

In June there was great heat with dryness, but on the 17th there was heavy thunder
continuously for two hours, and heavier rain in certain parts of Lyndesay than had
fallen in so short a time for a long while. In the last week a moderate wind rose, which
lessened the heat and increased the dryness.

In July there was moderate heat and wind, with moderate showers occasionally
falling, and after the first week, all the remainder of the month was rainy, with moderate
wind, except three or four days at the end, on which no rain fell.

In August there was very strong wind, and showers fell occasionally. In the
middle of the month three or four days were dry and windy, with the wind continually

In September the wind abated and there were moderate showers, but about the
10th and nth there was very heavy rain. The remainder was moderately rainy, except
five or six days at the end.

In October there was more warmth than in September, and throughout the month
it was moderately humid, but on the 19th there was heavy rain all day.

In November there was much rain. On the 6th the air was moderately moist.
All the last week was extremely rainy. There was a slight frost beginning at the feast
of St. Leonard [Nov. 6] and lasting three days.

In December the first week was extremely rainy, and the second extremely foggy.
In the third there was slight frost, and in the fourth also, but not so much.

A.D. 1338.

In January the first week was dark and rather foggy. In the second there was
slight frost, and in the third also. The fourth was mild.

In February the first week was moderately windy. On the 8th and 10th days
there was a slight storm. The second week was rainy and windy, and the third also.
The fourth was dry, windy and clear.

In March the first week was warm, dry and clear ; the second was the same, and the
third likewise, with wind. The fourth was warm, dry and clear.

In April the first week was windy and dry, with showers occasionally. The second
was dry, with moderate wind; the third dry and clear, and the remainder likewise.
There was hoarfrost throughout the month.

In May, in the first week there was heavy rain; the second was moderately dry;
the third and remaining weeks were warm and dry.

In June the first week was dry and moderately warm, with light showers occasion-
ally. In the second there was more rain than in the first week.

(J) MS. has " in yerne precedenti." This may mean in the last winter, or in the previous part of this winter.