Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 19.2019

DOI Artikel:
Dywan, Tomasz: Od „szkoły berlińskiej” do secesji: przyczynek do architektury miejskich zakładów przemysłowych Lwowa w latach 1858–1914
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Drawing 7. Plan of the gro-
und floor, cross-section,
and views of the electric
tram depot elevation,
according to the 1893 (?)
design. Drawing based on
the design: dało, file 2, des-
cription 4, case 1051, f. 34
-> see p. 180

within one building.74 On the south, a smali outbuilding was added to the boiler
room, intended for setting up water pumps and water treatment devices, for
the water supplied from here to steam boilers. On its eastern side, a 35 m high
industrial chimney was erected, which was used to carry exhaust fumes from
the steam boilers. Due to the necessity of accommodating two water-tube steam
boilers and two steam engine sets (of 250 horse power), coupled with a Siemens
electric generator (type T 93),75 evenly spaced girders were used to support
the roof of the power plant. Each consisted of wooden beams, joined with Steel
clamps and additionally stiffened with Steel supporting beams.76 Thanks to
the application thereof, unlike in the depot building there was no need to sup-
port the roof truss with columns fitted in the interior.
The external faęades of the described buildings had monotonous, divisions,
typical for industrial buildings, consisting in the rhythmic repetition of evenly
spaced lesenes on the pedestal of brick foundation, and derived from the archi-
tectural doctrine of Durand. Window and door openings were madę in the fields
between them, both on the side faęades and the gable faęade (see: Drawing 7).
Only the northern faęade of the depot was not laid in brick, due to the need
to make gates for the trolleys here. The gates were embedded between oak col-
umns supporting the gable and roof structure. Wooden applications in the form
of Tuscan pilasters, placed on high plinths (see: Drawing 7) were nailed onto
the columns. The faęades of the tram depot were covered with plaster coat. By
contrast, the power plant, as a morę important production building, was distin-
guished by adding masonry elements of ceramic brick. The latter was used to
make the pedestal of the foundation, pilaster strips, windowsills and segmen-
tal archivolts that enclosed window and door openings. The aforementioned
elements emphasized the structure of the faęades division, especially against
the light background of the plaster-covered wali (see: Figurę 6).

Development projects by Lviv city after 1895
In 1895, the municipal government’s investment policy changed significantly.
It was then decided that the amount of 20 million crowns should be allocated
for infrastructure investments. The city obtained the necessary funds as a result
of the issue of municipal bonds by the National Bank of the Kingdom of Galicia

74 This was also the layout of the power plant in Bielsko, “the first one in Polish lands”, launched
by Vereinigte Elektrizitats A.-G. Wien in 1893, see: Elektryfikacja ziem polskich przed 1918 r., in:
Historia elektryki polskiej, t. 2: Elektroenergetyka, Warszawa 1977, pp. 38-39,46. See also: F. Ach-
leitner, Zwr Architektur von Kraftwerken, in: Lichtjahre. 100 Jahre Strom in Ósterreich,Wien 1986,
p. 214.
75 On the construction and the eąuipment of the power plant, see: cdiau-l, file 146, description
68, case 3276, “Protokoll aufgenommen in Lemberg am 28. Mai 1894”, f. 235r-v; J. Tomicki, Ze
statystyki, pp. 2-3; C.A. TapxoB, Icmopin nboiocKoeo, pp. 25-26; A. KpioKaniBCbKnii, Icmopin
eneKmpufiKaufi JlboiouyuHU, JlbBiB 2015, p. 35.
76 The project documentation, assembled by the Municipal Construction Office during the pro-
cedurę of issuing permits (the so-called “consensus” documents) for the construction was not
included in the archive files described in the inventory of the Board of the Royal Capital City
of Lviv collection as “eneKTpocTanpui” (see: dało, file 2, description 4, cases 1050 and 1051).
It seems likely that the said documentation either did not survive or it is kept as a part of another
archival unit, difficult to determine, as is the case for the designs of the horse-drawn tram depot
and stables (compare: dało, file 2, description 1, case 1811). Conducting the archive query based
on the current and historical addresses if the electric tramway depot and power station was


Tomasz Dywan