Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 19.2019

DOI Artikel:
Dywan, Tomasz: Od „szkoły berlińskiej” do secesji: przyczynek do architektury miejskich zakładów przemysłowych Lwowa w latach 1858–1914
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and Lodomeria.77 Pursuant to the suggestions of a professor of the Imperial
and Royal School of Veterinary Medicine in Lviv Józef Szpilman (1855-1920),
the officials and councillors decided to abandon plans to expand the slaughter-
house that had been used so far.78 Instead, it had been decided that a farm called
Gabrielivka (Gabrielówka) would be bought from Kalikst Poninski (located at
the former Nowej Rzeźni Street, todays Promyslova Street, number 52-56) and
erect a new complex on this land, unrestricted by any pre-existing buildings.
The design of the sensitive buildings for this municipal service was developed in
two versions, under the guidance of the senior engineer at the Municipal Con-
struction Office, Wincenty Górecki. The first version was drafted in March, and
the second in June of 1898. At that time, slightly larger buildings were planned for
implementation than before.79 Both versions constituted the adoption of the “Ger-
man system” of municipal slaughterhouses, also known as hall slaughterhouses
(Schlachthallensystem). In this type of plants, animal slaughter was carried out
in large halls, adapted to the dressing of animals of various sizes. From here,
separate halls were built for the slaughter of large cattle (cows, oxen), smaller
cattle (calves, sheep, goats), pigs and horses.80 At the same time, the separation
of slaughter chambers within the halls was abandoned, as it was believed that in
the common space for all the butchers their work could be better controlled. For
this reason, sińce the i88os, the municipal governments ceased the construction
of chamber abattoirs, considering them unsuitable.81 Also in Galicia, based on
the recommendations of the State Veterinarian, professor of the Imperial and
Royal School of Veterinary Medicine in Lviv Alexander Littich (1842-1893), Gover-
nors Authority issued a circular on September 30,1890, “On the construction
and arrangement of slaughterhouses.” On its basis, the authorities intended to
pursue a morę active policy towards limiting the slaughter of animals in private
buildings, and instead to support the construction of public slaughterhouses in
the hall system, in which comprehensive sanitary control of animals and their
slaughtering conditions was possible.82

Figurę 7. Municipal slau-
ghterhouse and market
complex at Gabrielivka,
status before 1914. Detail
of a photograph in the col-
lection of Zakład Narodowy
im Ossolińskich (National
Ossoliński Institute) in
-» see p. 185

thwarted by the restricted access to the documentation of the indicated complex. I am therefore
using the plans for power plant extension, developed by A. Kamienobrodzki in the year 1900:
dało, file 2, description 4, case 1051, “Plan rachunkowy cent[ralnej] stacji elektrfycznej] we
Lwowie”, ff. 4,14.
77 K. Ostaszewski-Barański, Pogląd na działalność, pp. 120-122; T.Ł. Sroka, Rada Miejska we Lwowie
w okresie autonomii galicyjskiej 1870-1914. Studium o elicie władzy, Kraków 2012 (= Uniwersytet
Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Prace Monograficzne, nr 621),
78 The design for its extension was developed in 1893 by the Municipal Yeterinarian J. Kubicki at
the commission of the municipal authorities; see: K. Ostaszewski-Barański, Pogląd na działal-
ność, p. 242; W. Górecki, Nowa rzeźnia miejska we Lwowie,“Przegląd Higieniczny”, 1,1902, issue
5-12, p. 80.
79 dało, file 2, description 4, case 1034,“Rzeźnia dla drobnego bydła (cieląt)”, f. 10; ibidem,“Rzeźnia
bydła rogatego”, f. 16; ibidem, “Chłodziarnia dla rzeźni we Lwowie”, f. 23, 42; ibidem, “Rzeźnia
sanitarna”, f. 39; dało, file 2, description 4, case 1045, “Rys poziomy budynku maszynowego,
fabryki lodu i maszyn do chłodzenia”, f. 1; ibidem,“Chłodziarnia”, f. 10,12. Plans, cross-sections
and views of the essential structires of the “slaughterhouse department” were published by
W. Górecki, Nowa rzeźnia, table ii-iv.
80 S. Tholl, Preufien blutige Mauern, pp. 51-52; H. Lackner, Ein “blutiges Geschdft”, p. 108.
81 P. Young Lee, Siting the Slaughterhouse, p. 62.
82 Z. Fertig, O zakładach rzeźniczych w średnich i większych gminach, “Przegląd Weterynarski”, 14,
1899, issue 3-8, pp. 130-131.

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