Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 19.2019

DOI Artikel:
Dywan, Tomasz: Od „szkoły berlińskiej” do secesji: przyczynek do architektury miejskich zakładów przemysłowych Lwowa w latach 1858–1914
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Drawing 8. Situation
of the central municipal
slaughterhouse and market at
Gabrielivka, status as of 1901.
Drawing based on the design:
W. Górecki, Nowa rzeźnia
miejska we Lwowie, “Przegląd
Higieniczny”, 1,1902, no. 5-12,
pp. 128-129 (table 1). Key:
A- courtyard of the slaugh-
terhouse department;
B - entrance yard (“front
yard”); C - cattle market;
D - horse market; E - pig
market; F - market of infected
animals (“contagion market”);
G - courtyard of thesanitary
department; 1 - administrath/e
buildings; 2 - meat control
building, for meat imported
from the provinces; 3 - smaller
cattle slaughter pen; 4 - pig
abattoir; 5 - large cattle abat-
toir; 6 - abattoir for the ritual
slaughter of poultry; 7 - cold
storage area; 8 - pre-cold sto-
rage area; 9 - production of ar-
tificial ice; 10 - watertower;
11 - machinę room; 12 - intest-
inal washer; 13 - steam boiler
room; 14 - residential building
for the company’s employees;
15 - cowsheds for cattle inten-
ded for slaughter; 16 - barn
for the horses and carriages
of the butchers; 17 - free space
intended forthe extension
of the slaughterhouse and
cold storage areas; 18 - sa-
nitary abattoir; 19 - sanitary
stables; 20 - open pens for
cattle; 21 - wooden shed for
cattle; 22 - market administra-
tion building and weighing
platform; 23 - cowshed for
smaller cattle; 24 - porch next
to the restaurant in the ground
floor of the administration
building; 25 - cowshed;
26 - pigsty; 27 - open pens for
pigs; 28 - sheltered pens for
pigs; 29 - horse testing yard;
30 - horse stables; 31 - shelte-
red stalls for horses; 32 - admi-
nistration building of the horse
market; 33 - sanitary stable for
horses; 34 - railway platform
for offloading animals and de-
livering supplies; 35 - concrete
gutterforthe discharge of Wa-
ste; 36-37 - cesspools.
-> see p. 184

In contrast to the slaughterhouse of 1875-1876, the new municipal slaugh-
terhouse was a much larger complex, designed and eąuipped with refrigerators
and transportation eąuipment modelled on the city slaughterhouses of Leipzig
(1886-1888), Nuremberg (1889-1891) and Halle an der Saale (1891-1893), which
delegates of the city council had the opportunity to visit in January 1895. Jour-
neys were also madę to Gdańsk, in order to get acąuainted with the eąuipment
of the local slaughterhouse there, launched already in 1894.83 Not only the architects
of the municipal building office were involved in the design work,but also the Mu-
nicipal Veterinarian Józef Kubicki (1842-1902) and professor Szpilman, who were
consulted on the layout and arrangement of the plant. Technical eąuipment (boil-
ers and steam machines, cooling devices, and an innovative suspended train for
transporting beef carcasses) was ordered from renowned suppliers - the Friedrich
Wannieck machinery factory of Brno and Prague Machinę Manufacturers Joint
Stock Company.84 Thanks the plant thus eąuipped, the city authorities were able
to completely forbid slaughtering in private butchering workshops, and the ban
was introduced on the day of launching the slaughterhouse on July 5,1901.85
The complex of the new municipal slaughterhouse consisted of separate, fenced
off “departments”. In the largest of these, the construction contractors commis-
sioned in 1899 (Edmund Żychowicz, Kasper Draniewicz, Stanisław Dec and Ale-
ksander Pawełkiewicz86), erected separate buildings for smaller cattle abattoir (not
preserved to this day), for pigs, and for large cattle, all built on the plans of elon-
gated rectangles. To the north of these buildings, they placed up a complex of cold
storage and pre-cold storage buildings, stretching from west to east, intended for
longer storage of meat. Then they added the facilities for the production of arti-
ficial ice, water tower as well as engine room and steam boiler room (currently
these buildings are falling into ruin). On the eastern edge of the plants lot there
was a designated “sanitary department”, intended for the slaughter of infected
animals. A sanitary abattoir and a common barn and pigsty building were erected
here. A market for sick animals was designated between these departments. How-
ever, from the south there were extensive separate market places for cattle, pigs
and horses (not surviving to this day), where “only the most necessary buildings
and the most modest eąuipment” were constructed.87 There were cowsheds and
pigs, enabling particularly in winter, to keep animals offered for sale for a longer
period (see: Drawing 8, Figurę 7).88 In accordance with the design pattern for
urban slaughterhouses formed in the mid-nineteenth century, the main entrance
83 Sprawozdanie komisji wydelegowanej przez reprezentację miasta Lwowa celem zbadania rzeźni
i targowic zagranicznych, Lwów 1895 (foreword, n. p.); W. Dzieślewski, Miejska centralna rzeźnia
i targowica na bydło w Gdańsku, “Czasopismo Techniczne”, 1896, issue 2-3 and 6,pp. 77-79.
84 The circumstances of the construction, and the description of the municipal slaughterhouse
are provided by W. Górecki, Nowa rzeźnia, pp. 172-179.
85 In the autumn of 1900, Lviv Municipality addressed the Governorship Office, asking them to
ban the slaughter of animals in Lviv outside the new municipal slaughterhouse. State authori-
ties issued the regulation accordingly, on 17 December 1900, see: cdiau-l, file 146, description
62, case 615, “Sprawozdanie magistratu miasta Lwowa do c.k. Namiestnictwa Galicji”, Lviv
23 vu 1901, f. 74r-v; Otwarcie rzeźni, “Kurier Lwowski”, 5 vn 1901, issue 148, p. 3.
86 cdiau-l, file 146, description 23-a, case 18, “Budowa rzeźni”, f. 52-53v; Rada m. Lwowa, “Kurier
Lwowski”, 16 vi 1899, issue 165, p. 4.
87 W. Górecki, Nowa rzeźnia, p. 108.
88 Ibidem, pp. 96,107-110.


Tomasz Dywan