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Figurę 15. Preserved
structures of the vertical
retort house from 1914 and
1917, status as of 2016 (the
building was demolished
in 2017) Photo by Tomasz
-> see p. 198

A decorative stepped finial, built of brick, was placed on the axis of the gable
(see: Figurę 15).123
Since the electric tram was launched in the Capital of Galicia, the city has not
been able to expand its tramway system. This was due to the policy of the Tri-
este socięty, which, defended its interests in Lviv and therefore categorically
opposed to Crossing the horse tram tracks with electric tram tracks. It was ex-
pected, however, that the city would buy out the Lviv Horse Tramway Company
(which indeed happened in 1906), hence the plans to expand power plant and
tram lines submitted on November 1, 1905 by director Tomicki, and enthu-
siastically received by the public.124 Therefore, it was realized that thanks to
the popularization of electricity, the planned investment would contribute to
improving the standard of living in the city.125 In the submitted project, Tomicki
anticipated another extension of the previously used power plant, generating
direct current. Ultimately, the Electric Committee, having analysed the opinion
by the appointed engineering expert A. Kern,126 argued for the construction
of a completely new and significantly larger power plant capable of generating
5500 v alternating current (AC). According to this concept, the electrification
of Lviv would not take place, as it proceeded hitherto, as a result of the expan-
sion of the power plant undertaken every few years, but it would involve an
immediate the transition to large-scale electricity generation, with the possibil-
ity of transporting that electricity over considerable distances. For this reason,
according to Kerns suggestion, it was decided that a power plant would be built
in the neighbouring commune of Kul’parkiv, on the land of the farm belonging
to the municipality, called Persenkivka (Persenkówka) (currently at number 5 in
Kozelnytska Street). Near the farm ran the Lviv-Stanisławów railway linę, which
would enable the power plant to be supplied with crude oil that was used for firing
steam boilers. Water collection was also foreseen for the plant, from the Zhalizna
Voda stream. And finally, the said location would enable virtually unlimited
expansion of the power plant in the futurę.127 Kerns concept was approved by

123 A photograph from around 1927,showing the vertical retort house,was published in: [J. Bułat],
Księga informacyjna król. stoi, miasta Lwowa i czterech południowo-wschodnich województw
Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej a to: lwowskiego, stanisławowskiego, tarnopolskiego i wołyńskiego, Lwów
1927, p. i9b.
124 dało, file 3, description 1, case 4975, “Projekt generalny rozszerzenia Miejskiego Zakładu
Elektrycznego. Opis techniczny”, edited by J. Tomicki, Lviv 1 xi 1905, f. 5-12; W.Ż., Z Towa-
rzystwa Politechnicznego we Lwowie. Streszczenie odczytu inż. Józefa Tomickiego, dyrektora
miejskiego zakładu elektrycznego we Lwowie “O rozszerzeniu sieci elektrycznej m. Lwów”,“Prze-
gląd Techniczny”, 44, 1906, issue 9, p. 95; K. Meyc, Jfuoinisaąiuni nepemoopeHHH Tłbeoea.
EneKrnpufiKaujn nyóninnoeo npocmopy Micmana 3JiaM.i xix-xx anonim, tłum. M. Myąpiiń,
“BicmiK JlbBiBCbKoro yHiBepcnTeTy. Cepia icTopmma”, 10,2016, part 1 (CnepiajibHnn BimycK.
JlbBiB: MicTO - cycnhibCTBO - KynbTypa. SóipmiK HayKOBiix npapb. JlbBiB/Lwów/Lemberg
mk MicbKi npocTopn: yaBjieHHa, flOCBi/jn, npaKTUKn, edited by O. Apicym, O. BinminenKO,
M. Myąpim), pp. 184-185.
125 Tadeusz Gaj czak (Elektrownia miejska w Krakowie, “Czasopismo Techniczne”, 30,1912, issue 6-8,
p. 108) notes that in 1910 796 recipients were connected to the electricity network in Kraków,
whereas “electricity in Lviv grew in popularity at a much faster pace [than in Kraków - T.D.]”
as morę than two thousand recipients were connected to the electricity network here.
126 dało, file 3, description 1, case, 5440,“Die grundlegenden Fragen in bau- und betriebstechnischer
Hinsicht fur das neue Elektrizitatswerk der Landeshauptstadt Lemberg” edited by A. Kern
[1906], f. 4-35.
127 Ibidem, f. 5-6.



Tomasz Dywan