Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Drawing 16. Cross-sections
and views of the elevation
of tram depot at Gabrieli-
vka, according to the 1907
design. Drawing based on
the designs: dało, file 2, de-
scription 4, case 1051, f. 25
-> see p. 208

Lviv-based entrepreneurs and craftsmen.139 From the west side of the complex,
Kamienobrodzki erected a two-story residential building, intended for engineers,
train drivers, boiler room Staff, and servants. Provision of service flats for employ-
ees of the Municipal Electricity Plant was necessary due to the significant distance
of the power plant from the city. To the north of the power plant, an iron tank
was built, capable of storing crude oil delivered by raił and intended for firing
steam boilers. To the east of it, a water tower and two larch-wood cooling towers
were erected, designed and constructed under the supervision of the Viennese
enterprise of Julius Overhoff.140 Thanks to these structures, the condensed water
draining from steam engines was cooled.
At the same time, at the request of Municipal Electricity Plant, Michał Ułam
(1879-1938) built a tram depot near the municipal slaughterhouse at Gabrielivka
(today, at number 39 in Promyslova Street), capable of parking 70 tram trolleys. In
the autumn of 1907, brick perimeter walls were built on the plan of an elongated
rectangle, to which from the south, where the entrance gates were located, a two-
storey projection was added.141 In 1908, a consortium of the Viennese enterprise
C. Teudloff & T. Dittrich Armaturen- und Maschinenfabriks GmbH and the Lviv
enterprise of Zygmunt Piotrowicz and Jan Schumann produced an iron roof struć -
ture, supported on two rows of evenly spaced truss columns. This structure was
designed and madę under the supervision of professor Jan Bogucki of the Imperial
and Royal Polytechnic School of Lviv.142 In this way, the interior of the depot was
divided into three aisles, set in a basilica arrangement. Timber was used only to
make roof slopes and platform surfaces (see: Drawing 16).
The faęade of the avant-corps in the building of the tram depot was clasped
from the east and west by two narrow, one-story buildings: a waiting room
with administration rooms, a warehouse, and a smali concierge pavilion. These
buildings define a smali manoeuvering yard in front of the tram depot.143 Thus,
the fancy projection in the depot s faęade was visible. In its ground floor, three en-
trance gates were built between reinforced concrete pillars. Above them, the faęade
was flanked by the pylons, between which a segmental blind arcade was fitted.
The prominent archivolt of the latter was covered with radiating strips of wavy
profiled plasterwork. At the base of the pylons, bands resembling wire clamps

139 Rada miejska, “Gazeta Narodowa”, 22 111908, issue 44, p. 2; Rada miejska, “Kurier Lwowski”,
21111908, issue 81, p. 2.
140 12. Posiedzenie Rady Miejskiej, dnia 17-go września 1908, “Dziennik Lwowski. Organ urzędowy
gminy król. stół, miasta Lwowa”, 3,1908, issue 9, p. 410. No detailed plans were found in the dało
that would show the aforementioned buildings.
141 Remiza na Gabrielówce,“Kurier Lwowski”, 9 11908, issue 13, p. 2. Photographs, plans and cross-
sections of the complex of the tram depot at Gabrielivka were published in the companys
catalogue: Budowle wykonane w dziesięcioleciu 1903-1913 przez firmę Michał Ułam, architekt
budowniczy Lwów, Lwów 1913, pp. 25-28.
142 dało, file 3, description 1, case 5216,“ni departament magistratu do dyrekcji Miejskich Zakładów
Elektrycznych”, Lviv 13 xi 1907, f. 87-88, also there, the submitted bills and orders of payment for
the contractors at the National Bank of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria between March
and December 1908 , f. 89-99v; J. Lewicki, Między tradycją, p. 273; K). BipionbOB, ApximeKmypa,
p. 458.
143 dało, file 2, description 4, case 1051, “Projekt magazynu dla nowej remizy na Gabrielówce”,
[edited by Municipal Construction Office?, n. d.], f. 3; ibidem,“Projekt domu administracyjnego
dla nowej remizy na Gabrielówce”, [edited by Municipal Construction Office?, n. d.], f. 11,19;
J. Lewicki, Między tradycją, pp. 273-275.



Tomasz Dywan