Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Die neue Stadt: internationale Monatsschrift für architektonische Planung und städtische Kultur — 6.1932-1933

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English Supplement No. 6/7
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tribution of industries and limit to functions of individual bodies. A map
scetches the scheme for a division into zones, based on the idea that
the Swiss tableland represents a sort of decentralised big city of about
3 millions inhabitants, and that the development of railways and roads
makes such an agreement daily more urgent.

Modern Architecture In Russia.

In connection with the criticism levelled by "die neue Stadt" with re-
ference to the competition for a new Sowjet-Palace, a lively discussion
followed on the significance of modern building in Russia. In this dis-
cussion a group of German architects in Moskow, the international con-
gresses for modern building and the Editor, all join. The most interesting
article is that of Herr Schmidt on the rejection of modern architectural
ideas in Russia. He suggests, the present reaction from monumentalism
and symbolism is a sign of the decay of bourgois culture, and further that
Russian socialism contrary to the practice of decaying capitalism con-
siders it one of its aims to take over and develop the values of the past.
In reply the Editor maintains that modern architecture satisfies the needs
of the masses and that for Russia to deny this is a gross misunderstanding
of the facts. He thinks it true that Russia has to go through a period of
the eighties evidently similar with the Five Year Plan.

English Sculpture.

Dr. Hildebrand Gurlitt, director of the Hamburg Art Galleries, who during
the summer months arranged in Hamburg an exhibition of English sculp-
ture, gives in his article an outline of the present State of sculpture in
England: In Opposition to the official Praxitelesian tradition representing
only a sentimental imitation of Greek statues, a younger school has been
formed under the inspiration of Henry Moore.

American School Construction.

Mr. 3. Neutra, a wellknown Los Angeles Architect, writes about a schooi
in California. He publishes an Illustration of the model and gives all the
figures of his project both in German and English.

New Building In Geneva.

Herr Frank Otten describes the interesting new buildings in Geneva.
They are a public bath and the building of a hall for the Disarmement-
Conference which opened in February 1932. It consists of a steel skeleton,
the joints of which have been mounted on the spot.

Herr Wagner's Campain For A More And Better Planned Berlin.

Herr Martin Wagner, the wellknown Berlin building director published in
the third issue of this magazin an article on the necessity for rearranging
the locale of various Berlin industries. Meanwhile a book by him on this
subject is in preparation entitled: "Das Neue Berlin." We reproduce
here the last chapter which summarises his ideas. In particular Herr
Wagner lays emphasis on the fact that present mechanisation and dis-
tribution of industry involves wasteful competition which could be avoi-
ded by a planned rearrangement of industrial organisations.

Some Remarks On Modern Painting And The Closing Of The Bauhaus.

Herr Adolf Behne, German representative of the Studio in London, refers
th Herr Grohmann in issue No 5 and emphatically points to the German
painter Arthur Segall. The Editor discussing the closing of the Bauhaus
Dessau States the odd fact that the only German art institution which
has disseminated social art education, has been frustrated by the very
parties whose political programmes include features of a social character.
On the last pages are published book reviews and reports of exhibitions
and competitions.

The Programme of the „neue Stadt".

Our Programme is clearly illustrated by the work we have performed so
far: A study of the following summary of the various subjects of the „Neue
Frankfurt" and the „neue Stadt" will convince you that the periodica!
always starting from its original basis, modern architecture has dealt with
all fields of modern cultural work, in which new ideas are given an
optical expression:

Architecture and Building Technics

Town-Planning and Regional Planning

Fine Arts and Decorative Arts

Hygienics and Communications

Education and Sports

Cinema and Theatre

There is at present only one periodical which examines and deals with
all the latest problems in these fields from a uniform and progressive
point of view:

die neue Stadl

and there exists only one periodical, which simultaneously establishes
the permanent connections, required by both the present day artist and
the layman:

die neue Stadt

Each number of the periodical is well illustrated and contains, besides
the main sections a number of small contributions on actual problems in
all these fields. Since the year 1932 the columns "International Chronicle"
and "Work of the Cities" are published continuously.

Our publications 1926 32 deal with the following subjects:

Construction of Dwellings, Building Policy
Town-Building and Regional Planning

Single Building, Household Mensils, Formation of Gardens and Cemetries
Fine Arts, Decorative Arts, Music, Photography, Film, Theatre and

Monographies of Different Architects
Schools, General and National Education
Traffic, Sports, Hygienics

Subscription Rate: yearly subscription RM 9.60 and 1.80 postage,
quarterly RM 2.40 and —.45 postage.

Prospectus giving füll particulais of all the published issues and sample
copies will be sent on request by

The publishers „die neue Stadt"

Groß-Gerau bei Frankfurt (Main) Germany.