Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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No. 4. <=> Zar, Tanis, the capital of the

fourteenth or Tanite Nome.

5 fl ° Heq-dt, the thirteenth or Helio-
" ' ^f- © -1

polite Nome.

Column IV.

t i. v^S Sam-hud, the seventeenth or
Diospolite Nome.

» 2- DnU©?] ^-[.^?, Avaris?].

„ 3. -^f^ -f*e'' -Basi, Bubastes, the capital
of the eighteenth of Bubastite Nome.

,, 4. Amt, Buto, the capital of the nine-
teenth or Buticus Nome.

„ 5. Ta-7'emt, i.e., "the land of fish."

probably the lake region around Men-


The left-hand fragment on PI. XAII joins on
to the right-hand fragment on PI. XVI, and
refers to ?|5\*c==^ sebek shedet, the eod of

the Fayum.

The right-hand fragment of PI. XVII con-
tains three complete and the halves of two
other vertical columns of hieroglyphics. The

inscription names the goddess Isis in connection
with the myth of Sebek, and that god's connec-
tion with "iii Ta-she. the Fayum.


To the left is a mutilated picture of the

£=fDo ^Lat nef,er net d>cnt Neith,
" Temple of the acacia of the goddess Neith."
An archer drawing a bow with arrow is repre-
sented in the shrine, behind which is depicted
an acacia tree ; the whole scene is surrounded
by a canal or moat.

In the centre of the page is a mythical descrip-
tion of the region called Shent-Neith, beginning:

3^ jpjpj ^ ast ten shend Neith pu ren

ef au ges neter aat ne Sebek neb Ri-seh, " This
locality bears the name Shend-Neith (i.e., the
acacia of the goddess Neith). It is at the side
of the temple of Sebek, Lord of Ri-seh."

To the right is represented a canal in the

form of J and eight mythical personages,
those to the left being ^ kek and his
consort 3 keket and ft ft Jn heh and

hehet, whilst those to the right are
nut (the female) and

GOG & x.TTm -, COO a
xNUTand ^0

np j ? amen

and ft^o 3

1 /VWM 1_I
