Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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nexnKV xHponr juinnccoK Ki.n xsno-r Ki.n
45 ajiOToeiaj nuut nex | nixcoXjuti. enipi.fie
n^i^i^eHKe oxxe ajjuumcu ox-re pcujute
encosne exfiexi-npoccjKyfp-*- JULnniniaj
nxi.sopeKKq iXXi epeni&ii ni-ajcune eqcu
nxoesc i.xnxi.npoc$opi. THpec £,neoxe
so | nnnonrxe eqnixsHKe njuioc xenneXi/*e
itpcuJULe eu$6~JL*.(rbsuL nMKKe njuLoc rtci.fi.eX-


Xuq eioupeK nnnoxxe ni.nxoTKpixu)p xe
Xi**e enipxort ksjui £,sXiaji.ne £,iXHnoc
55 niJUL eq£,i.esoo*!f j evooajex ni.q eqni.xcu-


juLeq10 ^.^iAioHKe expeq£,i.pK£, ipoc KiXi.
oh excK& xeen^scxs ru.i expipnesxe&ni-s
.p.jmnixenujsne nexni-XcuXjuti. eni.pi.Ke
eo ruuLoc najopen juten nne | nexjuuuti/r xi&kt
nXi.e iXXi. najopen nTHnoc11 jutan eqni.-
ajume eqcu ncy.sui.juLo eni.ni.cy ex[o]-*iifi
ex[oTajjuL]aje ni.q neicux [jte.]nncuHpe julk-
nni.*v[jut]i eT-o-rii.fi i/rco on eqni-i"nXoroc


651 najojuieT e[n]onrii13 nnofi necinnxe
njt«.[o]q ^.nxeq&snocxi-cic JULnncauc nceni.-
pi-CKete^e njutoq xi.peq2/*>n ixcfojUL uti-
xii.eKKe jutnxcsjuui.13 nnXi.cyi.ne nnKHpoc

70 exJuuuLi.-* xi 12^!i.eHKe ovn ecnicytune
i.noK xcifiXe xenxi.cajpnc&.u xne


cthxh ixixiieHKe JULn&cufi nsiJUL

sic t

eqcH£, ipoc efioxei-TOToajec i.pos i.icoxJULc
75 ejus-enxpjutnKHJULe | i.-*cu on i.mipiKi.Xe

noTpeqc&i.s JULn&enKorJULnxpe expejui^p-

XHpecei.s £,ipos i.iKoc i.fioX toe nptoKexH +
•fMi.noK i.nxpei.c najHpe jutnjuLi.Ki.psoe

<K>fii.jmu)rt -fuo juLJULnxpe
so t ^-Kok [ve]u>pvsoc najHpe JULnjut^K, ci[jut-

oit]hX "f co juLJutnxpe

£ ^noKgl.najape JULnju.i.K,

i.noK . ecu . scxoc ni.ni.rncucxHC ni.ni.

JOfpii-koc 15 i-sc&il ^i.pO)ot

xe\juteirnos nc£,i.s -f

■f inoK cenfHpoc ncyrtpe nruuLi.Kipesoc

ciJULo-ynX i.sc£,i.s nxexii.eHKe nxi-tflx


npoc xhxscsc nnexcJULine ssjdloc +


In the name of the Father and the Son and the
Holy Ghost (irvevp,a) ! Upon this day, which is
the 25th day of Mesore, in this year of the 12th
(SuSeicaTO?) Indiction (iv&iktmov) ; before the
most honourable (-rt/cuajTaTo?) | Leontios and
Mena, magistrates of the township (icao-Tpov)

I, Tsible, the daughter of Gapatios, since (eireiS^)
I have fallen into a serious (lit. troublesome)
malady, I have been afraid lest (p^ttots) God
should seek after me and I should depart out of
this | life (/9io?) and leave my property uncared-
for {readairpovo-qro^) and my offering (Trpocrfyopa,),
I have had recourse (therefore) to this testament
(BiaOrjKrj), untransgressable (-Traraftaiveiv), in-
dissoluble ; (and) we (sic) have further con-
firmed it by means of trustworthy (a^wmaroq)
witnesses, | and with a scribe to write on their
behalf: (.'111(1 this) while my mind is fixed, as I
sit upon my -

steadfast an<|
was afraid ]<;
reach me al
God the Wcj
mon father, ■
the earth sha.

I have had rd
because I hj
devotes him^
business | an!
in all servic(j
his power. (
at his fearf<
(i.e., my hui
(irpoccfciopa); j

So (ye) now I
garding the.
band shall t^
offering (irpq
over, my pol
to me from

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