Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Newton, Charles T. [Editor]; Pullan, Richard P. [Editor]
A history of discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus and Branchidae (Band 2, Teil 1) — London, 1862

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as not to afford that degree of exactitude necessary
for a perfect restoration of the edifice.

However, although the architectural data afforded
by these discoveries were not as satisfactory as could
have been desired, the marbles, such as they are,
have been carefully measured and examined, with
reference to the positions they occupied in the
building, and the restoration given in the Plates of
this work, is the result.

In the preceding pages Mr. Newton has been led
to form certain conclusions in regard to the position
of the sculptures and other marbles found in the
course of excavation; as for instance, that the largest
colossal figure was that of Mausolus, and that it
stood in the quadriga; that the wheel and the
great horse belonged to the quadriga ; and that the
slabs found on the north side of the peribolus were
the steps of the pyramid.

These conclusions have not been reached without
close observation and conscientious study upon
the spot, and at the time of the discovery of the
sculptures. They are, therefore, in the following
pages assumed as ascertained facts, and, hence, the
evidences for them are not recapitulated.

Drawings of the marbles in the state in which
they were discovered, are given to a large scale; so
that the process of the restoration can be followed
step by step, by reference to the plates.

Decimal scales have been adopted, as affording
the greatest exactness; but, where dimensions are
quoted in the description of the building, feet and