Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Newton, Charles T. [Editor]; Pullan, Richard P. [Editor]
A history of discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus and Branchidae (Band 2, Teil 1) — London, 1862

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Admiralty chart as the site of the Temple of Mars,
mentioned by Vitruvius in his description of Hali-
carnassus, and I have expressed the same opinion in
my Memoir on the Mausoleum, published in the
Classical Museum.3

On examining the site itself, it was evident to me
that an Ionic edifice of considerable dimensions
had once stood in the centre of the platform.

Several drums of Ionic columns of fine white
marble, and 4/ in diameter, were lying on the sur-
face in this part of the site. A little west of the same
spot the outlines of the foundations of an oblong
edifice were indicated by ridges in a field planted
with figs, which is marked in the Admiralty chart,
the foundations being laid down in dotted lines.

After having ascertained the true position of the
Mausoleum, I was confirmed in my original opinion
that the Temple of Mars must be looked for where
it is placed by Captain Spratt, that is to say, on
this upper platform. With a view of ascertaining
this fact, I detached a small party to dig that part
of the platform where the dotted lines of foundations
are marked in the chart, and which lies immediately
west of the drums of Ionic columns.

The result of this excavation was as follows. The
upper surface of the ground was covered with small
splinters of fine white marble, below which the soil
principally consisted of boulder-stones and decayed
rock, evidently brought down by torrents from
the heights above. Digging through this mass of

a Hamilton, Travels in Asia Minor, ii. p. 32. Ross, Reisen auf
d. Griech. Inseln ; Halle, 1852, iv. pp. 33-5.