Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Newton, Charles T. [Editor]; Pullan, Richard P. [Editor]
A history of discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus and Branchidae (Band 2, Teil 2) — London, 1863

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Excavations at Cuiclus. Description of the site ; the Triopian
promontory ; the two harbours ; the moles. Convenience of
Cuiclus as a harbour of refuge in. early times. First colonists
here. Triopas. Hippotas. Cnidus a member of the Doric
Hexapolis. Probable date of this league. Distant settlements
of Cnidians in the Mediterranean, about B.C. 579. Their share
in the Hellenium at Naukratis. The Cnidians included in the
conquest of Cyrus. Their relations with Tarentum, in the
reign of Darius. Their interference on behalf of some Cyrensean
exiles. Gathering of the fleet of Cimon at Cnidus before the
battle of the Eurymedon. The Cnidians enrolled among the
Athenian tributaries. Their city unfortified during the Pelo-
ponncsian war. After the defeat of the Athenians in Sicily,
they join the Lacedaemonians. Attempt of the Athenians on
Cnidus repulsed. Naval victory of Conor), B.C. 394. Cnidus
still adheres to the Lacedaemonians. Overthrow of the oligar-
chical party there, probably about the time of Eudoxus. Narrow
basis of the constitution as described by Aristotle. Munificent
encouragement of art by the Cnidians. Their dedication in the
Lesche at Delphi. The Venus of Praxiteles. Eudoxus. Ctesias.
Cnidus probably part of the dominions of Ptolemy Philadelphus.
Thepensilis ambulalio constructed there by Sostratos in his reign.
Plunder of Cuidus by Cilician and Cretan pirates. Theopompos ;
his son Artemidoros. Mission of Asiuius Gallus to Cnidus from
Augustus. Cnidus part of the province of Asia under the em-
perors. Its constitution at this time. Limits of the Cnidian
territory on the east. Causes of its political insignificance.
Excellence of its natural products. Cnidian wine and oil ex-
ported. Cnidian dioUe. Other valuable productions......page 345