Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Newton, Charles T. [Hrsg.]; Pullan, Richard P. [Hrsg.]
A history of discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus and Branchidae (Band 2, Teil 2) — London, 1863

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ACROPOLIS of the Leleges, 41; of Hali-
carnassus, '274 ; of Cnidus, 305, 370,
519 ; of Myndus, 578 ; at Assarlik,

Ada succeedR to the satrapy of Caria,
57 ; expelled by her brother, 58 ; her
proposals to Alexander the Great,
and her favourable reception, 61, 62 ;
restored to the satrapy of Caria, 65.

_#5gis within a circle of leaves, repre-
sented on a mosaic found at Budrum,

JEnenx, represented on a mosaic found
at Budrum, 284.

Aetion of Trcezen, son of Anthes, 9.

Africa, circumnavigated by Scylax, 23.

Agasikles of Halicarnassus, 13.

Agora of Halicarnassus, 270 ; of
Cnidus, 371.

Agrikoi, village of, 621.

Akshallab, visit to, 580 ; antiquities
discovered, 581 ; ancient tomb at, ib.

Alabaster vaseinscribed with the name
of Xerxes, found in the Mausoleum,
92, 667 ; described by Mr. Birch, 067.

Alabastra, highly esteemed by the Per-
sians, 669 ; inscribed with cuneiform
and hieroglyphic characters, 070;
with Greek numerals, ibid.

Alcove at Cnidus, 453, 454.

Alexander the Great makes secret over-
tures for the hand of a Carian prin-
cess, 59 ; invades Caria, 61 ; besieges
and captures Halicarnassus, 62-65.

Alexander V., Pope, bull of, 647.

Alexandria, figurative representation
of, on a mosaic, 289.

Alinda, fortress of, 58, 01.

Alten Sevrissy Castle, 625.

Amasis, two statues dedicated by, at
Lindus, 551 n.

Amazon, head of an, found in the
Mausoleum, 116.

Amazons, frieze representing their
combats with the Greeks, found in
the Mausoleum, 100, 234-7, 239
el seq. ; their arms and dress on this
frieze, 235 ; their contests a favourite
subjeetamong the Greek artists, 251 ;

myth of the, associated with that of
the Centaurs, 252.

Amorges, captured by Tissaphernes,

Amphitrite, represented on a mosaic
found at Budrum, 287, 288.

Amphora, painted, discovered in a
tomb at Budrum, 335.

ai'dicTOfja. (See fiiyana.)

Andimachi. (See Antimachia.)

Anthes, the reputed founder of Hali-
carnassus, 8.

Antigonus, temenos of, at Cnidus, 472,

Antigonus, king, invades Caria. 63.

Antimachia, in Cos, 637, 639, 640.

Antiochus the Great subjugates Caria,

Aphrodite, figures of, in terracotta,
found at Budrum, 327, 328 ; marble
head of, at Cnidus, 402 ; worship
of, 461 n. (See Venus.)

----------Persephone, small figure of, at

Cnidus, 378, 420.

Apollo represented on a sculptured
stele1, at Halicarnassus, 137 ; temple
of, at Branchidffi, 528, 529 ; when
destroyed, 547. (See Branchidce
and Sacred Way.)

---------- Musegetes, figure of, 006.

----------Pythius, dedication to, at Cni-
dus, 309.

Apolonides, son of Lygdamis, 24 ; filled
the office of Mnemon, ib.

Apotheosis, how represented in ancient
art, 249, 250.

Aqueducts at Halicarnassus, 278.

Ara'issis of Mylasa, convicted of con-
spiracy against Mausnlus, 42.

Arch, Egyptian, principles of the, 176
et n. ; its strength, 184.

Architecture, Corinthian (see Corinthian
Order); Doric, at Halicarnassus, 277 '
at Cnidus, 3GS, 403, 428.

Areuanias, colony under, at Halicar-
nassus, 9, 10.

Argives, their settlement at Halicar-
nassus, 10.

Aridolis, tyrant of Alabanda 23.


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