Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Newton, Charles T. [Hrsg.]; Pullan, Richard P. [Hrsg.]
A history of discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus and Branchidae (Band 2, Teil 2) — London, 1863

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It has been taken for granted by Leake and
other writers, that, when ancient authors speak of
the Triopium, they apply this term exclusively to
the headland, now called Cape Crio, and, conse-
quently that the temple of the Triopian Apollo
must be looked for on this peninsula, and nowhere
else. Such seems certainly the reasonable infer-
ence to be drawn from several well-known passages,
in one of which the Triopium is described as an
axpcorripiov or. headland ;f and, though there is no
trace of such a temple on the peninsula, and an
area sufficient for such an edifice is scarcely to be
found there; still, it is quite possible that on
ground so steep all vestiges of such a site may
have been swept away by the action of mountain

There is, however, a passage in Herodotus (i. 174)
in which the term Triopium seems to be applied,
not only to the headland of Cape Crio, but to the
whole district east of Cnidus, as far as the narrow
isthmus which formed the boundary of the Bubas<
sian territory ; and hence it has been thought that
the Triopian Upov, or sacred precinct round the
Temple of Apollo, may have been situated some-
where in the territory of Cnidus, east of the city
itself/ There are, however, as far as I know, no

f To oe 'Vpi6-ioi' cucpuTripiov rijc Kv/Sov.—Jason, ap. Solid. Theokr.
Idyl. xvii. G9. Compare Thuoyd. viii. 35 : "Eor« cc to Tpidwiot'
aicpa -i/c Kt'icou irpov-fcwaa, 'AttoWwj'oc iepov. Pliny, N". II. v. 28,
§ 29, states that Cnidus was known successively by the names
Triopia, Pegusa, and Stadia. Stephanus Byzantinus, s. v., describes
Triopium as ttoXic Kapiac.

S See the note in Rawlinson's Translation of Herodotus, i. 174.