Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Newton, Charles T. [Hrsg.]; Pullan, Richard P. [Hrsg.]
A history of discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus and Branchidae (Band 2, Teil 2) — London, 1863

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a half diameters was obtained. The stones of the
capitals and bases were fluted for a space of 4";
the architrave and cornice were in good preser-
vation, the lions' heads of the cymatium were
left in block. (See Plate LXV.) The metopes
varied in dimensions, being respectively 1-71,
1-89, 2-00 in width. I found that, if the angle-
columns were placed so that the centres coin-
cided with the outer face of the thinnest wall-
stone, the triglyphs might be adjusted, so as to
allow three triglyphs in the central intercolum-
niation, and two triglyphs in each of the side inter-
columniations. It will be seen on examination of the
elevation that such an arrangement of the triglyphs
tallies with the dimension already assumed as the
size of the block of the building ; namely, 31' 1".

To return to the podium : upon a stone 1' 1''
thick, with a slight nosing l£" wide, were found
traces of the plan of the fluting, as though there
had been a sinking to receive the lowest drum;
below this course came the cornice-stone of the
podium, of which the projection was marked by a
drip-line ; below the cornice-stone came a course
which had a sinking both above and below ; under-
neath this, again, came the 3' 6" stone, on the
upper surface of which was a drip-line 2%" from the
edge, showing that from this course commenced a
gradual extension of the base. By placing below
this, again, a V 1" stone, and by arranging beneath
this again two steps with a tread of 11" each,
we gain a podium of height and projection appro-
priate to the dimensions of the order. The wall-

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