Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Newton, Charles T. [Editor]; Pullan, Richard P. [Editor]
A history of discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus and Branchidae (Band 2, Teil 2) — London, 1863

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is said to have been expelled from Halicarnassus,
and that the Panyasis mentioned in it is the epic
poet of that name, put to death by him.

The date of this event, according to Clinton,
F. II. ii. p. 14, Avas B.C. 457. Lygdamia was
nearly grown up to manhood at the time of the
battle of Salamis, B.C. 480. (See Herod, vii. 09.)
As his son Apolonides, and also a son of Panyasis,
are mentioned in this inscription as holding the
office of Mnemones, its date is probably not earlier
than B. C. 450 ; nor, again, can it be later than
B.C. 443, when Herodotus went to Thurium, if,
as Suidas states, s. v. 'Hf/ooorog, Lygdamis had been
already expelled from Halicarnassus before this
event (see Clinton, P. H. ii. p. 54); for, from the
position of his name, 1. 3, in the preamble of a
decree made by the people of Halicarnassus and
Salmacis, it may be presumed that at the time
when the decree was made he was still in power.

If, therefore, we assign this inscription to
B.C. 445, circiter, such a date will accord very
well with the character of the palaeography. When
compared with the inscription on the helmet of
Hiero the First, of Syracuse, the date of which
is fixed by Bocckh (C. I. No. 1G) to Olynip. 70.3
(B.C. 474), the Halicarnassian inscription exhibits
a great similarity in the form and arrangement of
the letters, but is decidedly less archaic, as might
be expected a priori, if the date I have assigned
to it is correct.

This inscription is further interesting from its
dialectic peculiarities. Halicarnassus having been
a Dorian colony, it might have been expected that
the Doric dialect would have been employed there