Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Novensia: Studia i Materiały — 23.2012

DOI Artikel:
Panaite, Adriana: Roman roads in lower Moesia: epigraphical evidence
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Indirect information about roads and related infrastructure comes from other types of
inscriptions: imperial decrees for road construction or repair, or construction of road sta-
tions, as well as local inscriptions relating to various aspects of everyday life, such as
estate boundaries, taxes, protective deities etc.
To datę 109 milestones from the territory of Lower Moesia have been published? The
texts are written in Tatin with the exception of four pieces in Greek, discovered near
Odessos (Varna).3 4 The earliest milestone is dated to the reign of Trajan and was discovered
at Sacidava,5 the latest is from the time of Theodosius and Arcadius and was found in
Kipra.6 7 Sixteen of the milestones are double marked (palimpsests): eight of these are on
the road along the Danube (limes),'1 four on the road along the Black Sea coast,8 three on
the central road through Dobrudja;9 one is from an unknown place.10
Two of these milestones were also reused during the Early Roman Empire,11 seven
were rewritten during the Late Roman Empire,12 another seven were dated to the Tetrarchy
or immediately after (time of Diocletian- Constantine) and reused later, during the fourth
century.13 Only eight milestones were found żz? situ or very close to the place where they
had been set up in antiąuity.14
The road along the Danube (limes) was primarily of strategie military importance. Sta-
tions and both watch and signal towers were positioned along it at set distances. The road
started from Singidunum and ran in its entirety on the right bank of the river. Having
reached the mouth of the Danube it turned along the Black Sea coast and ran to Constan-
tinople. Road construction along the Danube on the route Singidunum - Viminacium -
Ratiaria - Oescus - Novae - Durostorum and further to the river delta began in the reign

3 Barbulescu, Cateia 1998, p. 127, n. 89, there are
several pieces mentioned in the literaturę and unpu-
blished coming from Halmyris (Murighiol) (two
pieces discovered at the West Gate), Berteętii de Jos
(Ialomija) (probably from Dobrudja), Callatis (Man-
4 Odessos, IGB I2 251; Odessos, IGB I2 252 (a);
Devnja, IGB II 797; Povljanovo, IGB II 834.
5 Radulescu, Barbulescu 1981, pp. 353-359.
6 SGLI149, Mirćev 1952 (1953), p. 70, no. 2, photo
no. 86.
7 Maratin; CIL III 6238, 14459; Carsium: ISM V 95
(= CIL III 7603 = IGLR 230), ISM V 98 (= IGLR
231), CIL III 7609 (= IGLR 232); Doroban(u: ISM
V 5 (= CIL III 12516 = IGLR 83); Mećka: Hollen-
stein 1975, nos. 34, 69; Capidava: Barbulescu
2008, pp. 173-177, no. 3; Rasova: CIL III 13755,
IGLR 190.
8 Callatis: ISM III 196 (= IGLR 84); Corbu: IGLR
82 (= CIL III 7614); Mihai Viteazu: CIL III 14463
(= IGLR 167); Odessos: IGB I2 252 (with the obser-
vation that it may come either from the coast road
or the road that leads to Marcianopolis).
9 Mihail Kogalniceanu: Barbulescu, Cateia, Wi-
so$enschi 2009, pp. 414-417; Valea Dacilor: Bar¬

bulescu, Cateia 1997, pp. 183-198, nos. 1-2; Zal-
dapa; CIL III 14464.
10 IGLR 276.
11 Maratin: CIL III 6238, 14459; Odessos: IGB I2
12 Callatis: ZWIII 196; Carsium: ISM V 95 (= CIL
III 7603 = IGLR 230), ISMN 98 (=/GT7?231); Do-
robanju: ISMN 5; Mećka: Hollenstein 1975, nos.
34, 69; Valea Dacilor: Barbulescu, Cateia 1997,
pp. 183-198, nos.1-2; Zaldapa: CIL III 14464.
13 Capidava: Barbulescu 2008, pp. 173-177, no. 3;
Carsium: CIL III 7609, IGLR 232; Corbu: IGLR 82
(= CIL 111 7614); Mihail Kogalniceanu: Barbu-
lescu, Cateia, Wiso§enschi 2009, pp. 414-417;
Mihai Viteazu: CIL III 14463 (= IGLR 167); Ra-
sova: CIL III 13755, IGLR 190; place unknown:
IGLR 276.
14 Seimeni: ISMN 1, 2; 23 August: ISM III 195;
2 Mai: /SA/III 199; Carsium: ISM V 95 (= CIL III
7603 = IGLR 230); Sucidava: IGLR 278; Topalu:
Barbulescu, Radulescu 1993, pp. 197-206; Bar-
bulescu, Cateia 1998, pp. 125-126, n. 70; Peto-
lescu 1996, pp. 409-416, proposes period of
Elagabal; Topalu: Barbulescu-Munteanu, Radu-
lescu 1980, pp 140-157, no. 1.