Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean — 19.2007(2010)

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Kuraszkiewicz, Kamil O.: Saqqara 2007: Inscribed material
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2. Long offering list in the middle part of the
coffin’s length; below it, there was a blank
horizontal band [Fig. 4].
3. The offering formula along the upper edge
of the coffin side [Fig. 5], probably above the
offering list. Preserved are the phrases:
htp djw njswt nb Ddw hntj Jmntjw [...]
prjt-hrw nfm zmjt jmntt [...]
An offering that the king gives and the Lord
of Busiris, Foremost of the Westerners [...]
an invocation offering for him in the
western desert [...] (Lapp 1986: 102 §. 181).
4. At least two identical male figures facing
to their right, depicted to the right of the
offering list (i.e., at the foot of the coffin).
Both of them wear shoulder-length wigs

and broad, diagonal bands across their
chests. This, combined with the position of
the arms (right one crossing the chest, left
one raised in the hnw-'gcstme), identifies
them as lector-priests performing an
offering ritual (late type 1 or type 2: Lapp
1986: 158-192, §§. 268-323) [Fig. 6].
There was most probably no decoration
on the coffin’s inside north, west and south
walls. No traces are preserved also on outer
surfaces of the planks. The coffin seems to
belong to the Sixth Dynasty type, but the
state of preservation precludes a more
precise identification (Lapp 1993: 32-33,
Tf. Va-b). The fine quality of crafts-
manship, evidenced even by the small
surviving fragments of the coffin, is


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Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 19, Reports 2007