Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Pashley, Robert
Travels in Crete (Band 1) — Cambridge und London, 1837

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Libertas pauperis haec est:
Pulsatus rogat, et pugnis concisus adorat,
Ut liceat paucis cum dentibus inde reverti.

Little change was however produced in the condi-
tion of these subjects of the Venetian aristocracy, in
consequence of Foscarinfs generous and indignant de-
nunciation of the cruelty and impolicy of the adopted
system of government, and of the tyrannical proceed-
ings of the petty nobles whom it tolerated. This may
easily be inferred from the fact, that a member of the
" Syndicate of the Levant," Giulio de1 Garzoni, made
a similar Report to the Senate in 1586, ten years after
that which was the result of Foscarinfs mission. This
Syndic bears express testimony to the fact, that all the
inhabitants of the island, except of course the tyran-
nizing and degraded privileged class, longed for a change
of government, and even preferred " the tyrannical domi-
nation1' of the Turks, to that which the Venetians exer-
cised over them11.

At length we began to leave the bay of Sudha, and
to pass the ridge: as soon as we reached its summit
we saw the plain of Apokdrona spread out before us.
It is bounded on the south by the eastern half of the
White Mountains12, the outline of which is very bold

qui cause en eux vn merueilleux desir de liberte'. Car ilz sont tellement serfs
aux Veniciens qu'ilz ne possedent ne iouissent sinon de ce qui leur est de
grace concede' par lesdis Signeurs."

11 Garzoni, Relatione del Sindicato del Levante nel 1586, in the MSS.
of St Mark's Library, Classe vii. Codice ccciv. It is worth while to
give two or three brief extracts : p. 18. " Con questi et altri pretesti, di sopra
discorsi, se ben per decreto publico e levato il nome della Parichia, conven-
gono vivere netta medesima soggezione." p. 19. "Si che il contadino, di
questa maniera vessato, et per tante parti stracciato, impresso dai ragiona-
menti de' papati, e fatto nemico del nome Veneto—et e ridotto a tale, per le
cose dette, che credo poter dire con verita, escludendo pero li privilegiati, che
desiderano mutazione di govemo ; et sanno non poter capitare in mano d'
altri che del Turco; nondimeno, credendo non poter peggiorare di stato,
inclinano anco a quel tirannico dommio."

12 The AevKa opn of Strabo: they are now called, either by their ancient
title in modern Greek, to dairpa f3ovvd, or, from their inhabitants, to 2<£a-
Kiavd fiovvd. Crete is the only part of Greece in which I have noticed the old
